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ArcReader 10.1 (Build 3035) window display issue

04-02-2014 04:15 PM
New Contributor
I currently have ArcReader 10.1 (Build 3035) on a workstation which when opened, the window is messed up.  The file menu bar seemed to be right-aligned and it shows no other toolbars.  Please see the attached arcreader10.1-notworking screenshot to see what I mean.  I've also attached a working ArcReader window (please see attached arcreader10.1-working screenshot).  I've uninstalled the program, deleted the ArcGIS folder in the Common Files folder and reinstalled again but it still would not display properly.  Other workstation seem to display ArcReader ok with no issues, just this one machine.

This is from a clean install of Windows 7 64bit and I have my Users folder on a different drive and created a symlink in the C drive to point to the Users folder in the D drive (I'm not sure if this info will help).

Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you.
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2 Replies
New Contributor
Ended up re-installing Windows again.  ArcReader program opens up ok now.
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by Anonymous User
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Original User: borislavbaros

I am also facing the same trouble with this version. Thanks for your suggestion, I will test this.

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