Locator and Zooming

11-17-2011 10:58 AM
New Contributor
Before I ask my question, here's a synopsis of what I'm working with...

I work for a public utilities division and I manage a group of about 140 laptops that our field workers use.  We have a static OS image with ArcReader 10 and create PMFs and data packages that we update periodically.  I edit the DefaultLocator.xml file to contain only the locator that they need to use.

My question is about making it easier for the field workers to use the Find tool for locating addresses.  Right now this is the process they follow for finding an address:

1 Click the Find tool
2 Click the Locations tab
3 Select the locator from the drop-down menu
4 Type in the address
5 Double click the result to center the map on that address
6 Zoom in to 1:1000

Ideally the steps would be to click the find tool, enter an address, zoom to it at 1:1000.

Question 1:  Is there a way to have the Find tool open directly to the Locations tab with the locator already selected?

Question 2:  Is there a way to make it so they can double click the result and it zooms to the address at 1:1000?

Any help is appreciated, thank you.

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5 Replies
New Contributor
I know this has been a year and a half ago but did you ever find a solution to this?  I am looking at doing the same thing.
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New Contributor
Unfortunately I haven't.  If you discover something feel free to come back to this thread and talk about it.
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New Contributor II
I know this has been a year and a half ago but did you ever find a solution to this?  I am looking at doing the same thing.

We have pointed our desktop shortcuts to a vbs script that plugs the following values into the registry each time the user launches his/her map:

sPath = "SOFTWARE\ESRI\ArcReader10.0\Controls\ControlToolsInquiry\Find"
lCK = objRegistry.CreateKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER,sPath)
lRC = objRegistry.SetStringValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, sPath, "CurrentTab", "Locations")

sPath = "SOFTWARE\ESRI\ArcReader10.0\Controls\ControlToolsInquiry\Find\Addresses"
lCK = objRegistry.CreateKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER,sPath)
lRC = objRegistry.SetStringValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, sPath, "Locator", "ADDRESS_Locator")

sPath = "SOFTWARE\ESRI\ArcReader10.0\Controls\ControlToolsInquiry\Find\Addresses\Engine"
lCK = objRegistry.CreateKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER,sPath)
lRC = objRegistry.SetStringValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, sPath, "Pathtodatabase\geodatabase.gdb\ADDRESS_Locator")
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Occasional Contributor III
Are they just trying to find their location?  I found an awesome script that will pan the map with a GPS.  You can add a USB GPS to a laptop for about $30.   

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New Contributor
We have pointed our desktop shortcuts to a vbs script that plugs the following values into the registry each time the user launches his/her map:

sPath = "SOFTWARE\ESRI\ArcReader10.0\Controls\ControlToolsInquiry\Find"
lCK = objRegistry.CreateKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER,sPath)
lRC = objRegistry.SetStringValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, sPath, "CurrentTab", "Locations")

sPath = "SOFTWARE\ESRI\ArcReader10.0\Controls\ControlToolsInquiry\Find\Addresses"
lCK = objRegistry.CreateKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER,sPath)
lRC = objRegistry.SetStringValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, sPath, "Locator", "ADDRESS_Locator")

sPath = "SOFTWARE\ESRI\ArcReader10.0\Controls\ControlToolsInquiry\Find\Addresses\Engine"
lCK = objRegistry.CreateKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER,sPath)
lRC = objRegistry.SetStringValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, sPath, "Pathtodatabase\geodatabase.gdb\ADDRESS_Locator")

Would you mind explaining a little more how you did this?
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