Open ArcReader from IE

07-25-2012 07:54 AM
Occasional Contributor
I have a few hyperlinks on an older ASP page that were working....I dont know where along the line they stopped working but I believe it was somewhere between IE7 and IE9...

I have tried the below and nothing happens when I click the link..

Everyone at the city has S Drive mapped to the same location

  • <a class="one" href="S:\GIS\Users\ArcReader\PMFs\2008_Engineering_Plans.pmf">Construction Plans</A><BR>

  • <a class="one" href="file:\\mg-netapp1\graphics$\GIS\Users\ArcReader\PMFs\Engineering.pmf">Engineering Base4</A><BR>

Has the syntax changed....dont want to dig into this too much but simply want a fix...
Is IE blocking the opening of the .pmf extension?  I can double the extension in Explorer and it opens fine.
Please Help
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