When a feature is edited, update a different feature in the same FC

09-27-2023 06:28 AM
Status: Open
Notable Contributor

As described in this question:

Can a calculation rule update a record in the same feature class, same field, as the edited record?

For example, if a user edits the common_name for OID1, I want the attribute rule to additionally update the common_name for OID 2. Is this possible?

1"Group A""Name A"
2"Group A""Name A"
3"Group B""Name B"
4"Group B""Name B"


Could functionality be added to attribute rules that would let us update a different feature in the same FC as the edited feature?

(This is not to be confused with making an update to a domain description. We don't always have domains on fields that have common values.)

1 Comment

If this functionality already exists, then maybe the idea should be changed to:
"Prevent infinite loops when attribute rule edits same feature class"

From @JohannesLindner in Can a calculation rule update a record in the same feature class, same field, as the edited record?:

You just have to take precautions against infinite loops (feature 1 updates f2, which in turn updates f1, which then updates f2, etc).