"reverse" main stage action?

08-25-2014 08:40 AM
New Contributor III

Is it possible to define "main stage actions" in which by clicking on a particular location in the main stage map will automatically scroll to that particular location's text in the side panel? (I know the reverse is possible and easy to do).

Thank you again!

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2 Replies
Occasional Contributor III

This is not possible and not in our near future roadmap as of today, I created an issue on GitHub to track that popular request

The V1.1 planned for September 23rd will allow to create links (in the panels) to navigate between sections. With that enhancement it will be possible for developers to customize Map Journal to add specific behavior to certain map to allow it's features to drive the Journal.

I will update the issue with more documentation explaining on how developer can do that once the update application is released.

Thanks for your interest

New Contributor III

Thank you, Gregory!

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