Youtube fullscreen issue in Chrome browser (Map Journal)

05-11-2015 06:56 AM
New Contributor


While playing a Youtube video in fullscreen mode the journal text remains visible as a layer on top of the video (first screenshot).

ARCGIS youtube fullscreen problem.jpg

I experimented a bit and found that the overlay issue arises within Chrome (version 42.0.2311.135 m), IE and maxthon work ok,

and only when the video is started from the Main Stage Panel. (second screenshot)

ARCGIS youtube fullscreen problem2.jpg

Another video issue with Chrome is playing another Youtube video from within a journal text section, it works allright but in fullscreen the screen flashes for short and then reverts tot the default view, but showing another section of the journal.

It can be solved though by changing the Story Journal Map layout to floating panel instead of side panel. So there is a workaround, but I still think it is worth mentioning.

Another workaround is to disable fullscreen mode by removing allowfullscreen="1" in the HTML code.

I would like to now if these issues are known in the community or is there another cause/solution?



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2 Replies
Occasional Contributor III

Hi Jan,

Thanks for the detailed feedback.

YouTube embed can be tricky but I am going to look into those issues for next release and am hopeful.

I opened an issue on the GitHub repository for you to track the progress Issues with Youtube full screen · Issue #34 · Esri/map-journal-storytelling-template-js · GitHub

New Contributor

Hi Gregory, thanks for looking into it. I experimented a bit and found that it is very circumstantial: when I copy the video html code to a new chapter it sometimes works fine but as soon as I add some text before or after the video it crashes...

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