Distributed Database as a tool

11-23-2014 03:28 PM
Status: Closed
Labels (1)
New Contributor II

Create a tool that can be used in an automated workflow rather than the current Distributed Database Wizard. Currently, the wizard requires manually focused extent or feature to graphic creation to use. If the wizard was a tool, it could be used more effectively in a tool or python script to speed up workflows.

DD wizard can be used like Clip to extract/replicate a subsection of a GDB, it can also replicate the entire GDB. DD preserves OBJECTID's and feature class names.


I'd like to see both wizards and tools in Pro as well.  ArcMap's "Extract Data" wizard is especially handy for creating sample datasets to send to Esri tech support.

Status changed to: Closed

This idea has been closed as a duplicate of the ArcGIS Pro Idea linked below. Don't worry, you can still show your support by commenting and adding kudos to the open idea. Thanks for your contributions!

Link to duplicate ArcGIS Pro Idea