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Add Rasters to Mosaic Dataset Error

05-03-2021 09:34 AM
Labels (1)
New Contributor II

I am using ArcGIS Desktop 10.7. I am having trouble adding Raster to Mosaic dataset. I am trying to put together data from landasat 7 etm, which I downloaded from EarthExplorer. Everytime I try to do that, it gives and error (screenshot attached). I have tried adding individual band layers (dataset), and folders (workspaces), but neither seems to work.
Can someone please tell me if I am doing anything wrong.
PS: I have turned off background processing as guided in one post. 





Kind regards

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11 Replies
MVP Frequent Contributor

I would try setting the Raster Type parameter to 'Landsat 7 ETM+' and use the workspace input data option.

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New Contributor II

I have tried that too, and that doesn't work either.

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MVP Frequent Contributor

hmmm. maybe just do it in Arc catalog. close down any other arc instances/locks, right click on the mosaic dataset -> add rasters

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New Contributor II

Been trying to do that from there, but its doesn't seem to work 😐


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New Contributor II

Made a new file in a different location, a new mosaic data set, and tried with that too. Still same error.



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MVP Esteemed Contributor

Are you looking to execute Composite Bands (Creating a multiband dataset using individual single band rasters)?

Creating a mosaic dataset using the individual bands of the same sensor of same path/row of same time, doesn't make any sense.

Think Location
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New Contributor II


Yes, I want to create mutli band mosaic raster. Am I doing it wrong? 

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

As I mentioned, use  Composite Bands

Think Location
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New Contributor II

Ok, I will try that. Meanwhile, can you please tell me how do I stitch together multiple tiles that are all mutlibands? I am working on a city map, and I need to combine at least three adjoining tiles to get complete area.

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