Error: Unable to save to base state - Versioned Database

03-04-2012 04:59 PM
Occasional Contributor II
Recently I added Cartographic Represntations to our utility lines feature class, and now I cannot post edits to the SDE.Default version.
I am getting this error isn the sde_arcsde_x.log file: Error: Unable to save to base state 0->15623445 for table geo.utility_line, error = 1403
I can post attribute edits but any geometry edits fail to post to default.

I originally created the cartographic representations connected as the GEO user in the GEO.QC version.

Anyone know why I cannot post geometry edits to the default version? I can post all edits from an edit version up to the QC version, but not to Default.

During our last maintenance cycle I had to unregister my utility lines as versioned, copy to a pgdb, and then load the data back into SDE. I thought that might solve the problem but it did not.



ArcSDE 9.3.1
ArcGIS 9.3.1
Oracle 10g
Windows Server 2003 R2

Versioned Database:

Workflow - make edits in Editor version then post to QC, then post from QC to Default
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2 Replies
Occasional Contributor II
Ok, now this is getting worse off than I expected. Now I cannot reconcile edits in the Edit versions with the parent (QC) version.
Error: The version could not be reconciled. Underlying DBMS error[ORA-00001: unique constraint (Geo.A1452_PK) violated][Geo.utility_meter].

The only difference this week is that we have multiple editors editing the same fc - utility_meters.

Any ideas?

Recently I added Cartographic Represntations to our utility lines feature class, and now I cannot post edits to the SDE.Default version.
I am getting this error isn the sde_arcsde_x.log file: Error: Unable to save to base state 0->15623445 for table geo.utility_line, error = 1403
I can post attribute edits but any geometry edits fail to post to default.

I originally created the cartographic representations connected as the GEO user in the GEO.QC version.

Anyone know why I cannot post geometry edits to the default version? I can post all edits from an edit version up to the QC version, but not to Default.

During our last maintenance cycle I had to unregister my utility lines as versioned, copy to a pgdb, and then load the data back into SDE. I thought that might solve the problem but it did not.



ArcSDE 9.3.1
ArcGIS 9.3.1
Oracle 10g
Windows Server 2003 R2

Versioned Database:

Workflow - make edits in Editor version then post to QC, then post from QC to Default
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Occasional Contributor II
problem solved .... sort of.

There is some conflict when the feature class has a cartographic representation. Once I deleted the cartographic representation I was able to post to Default version and edit the fc in Default connected as SDE.

ESRI!!!!!  Why?

Now I am invested in cartographic representations for some of my feature classes but now they don't support versioning. I can register them as versioned but I cannot post to default. The strange thing is that I CAN edit them and post from a child to a parent version, but edits won't post to Default.
So now I have to unregister my fc as versioned make a copy of the fc to a personal geodatabase, and then load the fc back into SDE. And I have to re-register it as versioned because it exists within a dataset with other fc that are versioned.

sorry, but this workflow really sucks.

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