Geodatabases, topologies and geometric networks . . .

01-26-2011 02:47 AM
New Contributor
Is it possible for two geodatabases to share topology rules, without the use of ArcSDE? For example when an electrical cable in a Electrical geodatabase is not allowed to be built underneath an existing waterpipe (in the Water utilities GDB).

Second question: Can two datasets share a geometric network? For example dataset 1 and dataset 2 respectively represent floors 1 and two of a building. Both contain an electrical network, but these networks are connected.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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2 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor
It is not possible for geodatabase behavior, such as Topology rules to span across geodatabases, whether the geodatabase is ArcSDE, Personal or File.

Two datasets cannot share a geometric network.  Advanced datasets, such as geometric networks, topologies, terrains, live within a feature dataset and only those feature classes in the feature dataset may be used in the advanced dataset.
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New Contributor
Thanks Craig.
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