
05-25-2012 04:29 AM
New Contributor II
Using jpgs for my images. What files are absolutely necessary, in other words are the .aux abd .jpg.aux.xml needed. I know the rrd is the pyramids which I dont care about. I know that the jpg, jpgw and xml are needed for the referenced and spatial reference. I cannot find a clear answer in the gis help.


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3 Replies
Frequent Contributor
From ESRI: If you delete the .aux.xml file, you will lose all the information stored within it, including the transformation, statistics, and histogram information.

Also see
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New Contributor II
So if I just delete the pyramids (for size) rrd file will that corrupt the raster in any way. **It created pyramids in the mosaic even though I told it not to under environments, but that's another forum topic.** I dont need to do statistics on this image. The help says the aux looks for the pyramid file but does not say what happens when it is not there. I should say this is how I have been working on several rasters - deleting the pyramids only for size - just want to make sure they will not become corrupt sometime in the future.

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Frequent Contributor
I've deleted the rrd files in the past when they accidentally showed up and had no problem doing that.
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