GRID to USGS .DEM? to GOOGLE SKETCHUP? Big big headache.

03-25-2011 07:30 AM
New Contributor II
I'm trying to take an in-house DEM in GRID format and ultimately put it into SKETCHUP.  I've tried everything I can think of to no avail.  Could someone please tell me, in detail, how to do it?  I've tried grid to tin to mulipatch to collada.  I've tried contours to 3d polyline to cad.  I can't get anything to work.  The only thing that worked ok is pulling an old sdts file and putting it in 3dem then exporting to usgs dem ascii format then importing it into Sketchup.  I just can't get it to work for a DEM I have (not from USGS).  Please advise.


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