Lost attribute indizes when copying FC to ArcSDE

08-14-2012 11:05 AM
Occasional Contributor
I've designed a filegeodatabase with ArcGis 10 SP4. There are many attribute indexes. But when i copy the feature classes to my ArcSDE 10 on SQL Server all attribute indexes are gone. This bug should have fixed with 9.3 SP1 (look here). What's the best way to copy the feature classes with attribute indexes?

Any suggestions?
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3 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor
What tool are you using to copy your data? (copy/paste, import, ?). I tried this at 10.0 sp4 with copy/paste and everything copied correctly.
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Occasional Contributor
I have to do this job every day, so i did it with python (copyFeatures_managment). In this way
the attribute indexes are lost.  Copy in ArcCatalog works. Import in ArcCatalog doesn't.

So i think the bug is still alive. I haven't seen any parameters to keep the indizes.

Best regards
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Esri Esteemed Contributor
That sounds more like an enhancement request than a bug.  If you're programmatically
creating a new table, you can poll the source for the list of indexes, and create them
as well.  Heck, even if you're repopulating an existing table, you'd really want to obtain
the list of indexes, drop them, truncate the table, place it in load-only I/O mode, copy
the features, plance the layer in normal-IO mode, and then reconstruct the indexes.

- V
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