Snapping dead spots in ArcGIS10

05-30-2012 05:51 AM
New Contributor
I am attempting to digitize a line snapped to buffers around points and when I get to a certain place on my screen the snapping stops working. Is there a fix for this? I spoke with another analyst in my office and he has experienced this as well. I've included some screen shots for reference. It seems like my workspace has dead spots in it.

[ATTACH=CONFIG]14750[/ATTACH] snapping works

[ATTACH=CONFIG]14749[/ATTACH] snapping stops working on next point
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1 Reply
New Contributor
I had similar problems in my editing environment.  I found a suggestion in another thread to use 'classic snapping' (Editor - Options under General tab).  I've switched to this and so far haven't encountered any of those dead spots.
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