Volunteers needed to test a python script that e-mails summary of versions in SDE GDB

04-08-2013 10:07 AM
New Contributor
We rely on Student Interns for data maintenance in a versioned GDB environment, and as a QC mechanism/tool, developed a python script that reports the following:

  1. Number of Adds, Updates and Deletes in each Feature Class updated by each version

  2. Number of rows in the A & D Table of Feature Classes that are regisreted as versioned

These reports are e-mailed, and act as a snapshot.  Our main goal is to get a feel for the magnitude of updates performed in each open version, and to keep an eye on the A & D tables from a GDB performance standpoint.

We would like to make the script available for everyone on arcscripts, but would like to have it tested prior to that.  We are particularly interested in the following:

  1. Check if the logic is valid - see if it produces the desired result

  2. Test it on other releases and back-ends (Tested OK in 9.3/Oracle)

The python script uses the pyodbc module to query the VERSIONS, STATE_LINEAGES, MVTABLES_MODIFIED and TABLE_REGISTRY tables.  It also uses the yaml module to read a config file.  These two modules need to be installed before running the script, and the config file needs to be updated to reflect your geodatabase environment.  Instructions are documented in the python script header and in the config file.

The Python script and the config file are included in the attached zip file.

I greatly appreciate your time and consideration.

Sendhil Kolandaivel
Utility GIS Manager
City of Henderson
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