Attribute error!

05-23-2018 05:53 AM
New Contributor III

There are 966 points for tree data that was collected in the field. When I try to open the attribute table only 2 points' data show up. I've tried to create layer from selected, because when I choose select all, "( 966 out of 2 selected )" shows up. That hasn't worked, and I have also tried to export the data to excel as well says transfer the file to a new map completely, nothing has worked. When I try to sort the points an error shows up. Is the layer just completely corrupt?

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13 Replies
New Contributor III

Yeah I just did that just to double check because I did it earlier and everything is there with no query or scale/zoom factor. And actually, when I open up a new map the attribute table sometimes shows with 850 something, then 10 minutes in, it goes to 530 something. It's literally losing attributes in front of our eyes.

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MVP Honored Contributor

This is puzzling. It might be time to consult with Esri Tech Support on this. Something is going on with your feature class.

Could you export that same feature class to another one in a different gdb? I wonder if that would clear up any corruption issues.

New Contributor III

Had to get in contact with Tech Support. Sending them the data now. Thanks Adrian.

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MVP Honored Contributor

Sounds good. Please post back here after you get a solution from them. I'll be curious to hear what they say!

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