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Geoprocessing service. network dataset is not rebuild

01-15-2015 01:52 AM
New Contributor

Hello. Sorry for my English. I can write not clear.

Started with an Network Analyst. Write a script in Python. I create feature class ( roads ), on the basis of which created network dataset.

I add and remove entries In the script, and then rebuild the dataset.

The script runs successfully if run it in arcMap. However, this will not work if publish it as a service. 'Build dataset' function is executed without error, but the network is not rebuilded

Why is this happening? Thank.


ArcMap and Server - 10.2.2

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1 Reply
Occasional Contributor

Hi Ruslan,

There are few things which need to be considered in the described scenario:

1. The network build process requires exclusive access to the network dataset. Which means you will need to stop the service while network is rebuilt and/or replaced.

2. in Server, if you publish Service Definition (SD file) with the data included, the network dataset will be copied to ArcGIS Server Input directory. Which means the path to the network dataset actually used by the service will be different.

3. to avoid #2, simplify editing process, and improve horizontal scalability, I would recommend put the network dataset into a SDE instance and work with it from there.

Hope the above will help.


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