Query FeatureLayer within a tiledMapLayer (ESRI Leaflet)

03-30-2023 05:28 AM
New Contributor II

I have a feature layer of points and a tiledLayer of roads and municipality polygons. I want to query the points against the municipality polygons and return the ID's of the points within a specified municipality.

I already have a function that zooms to a municipality:

var zoomToMuni = function zoomToMuni(selectedMuni) {
  // where clause
  var whereClause = "MUNI = '".concat(selectedMuni, "'");
  var query = L.esri.query({
    url: 'https://services1.arcgis.com/MuniBoundariesService'
  query.where(whereClause).bounds(function (error, latLngBounds, response) {
    if (error) {
      // add message to console
      console.warn('An error with the query request has occured');
      console.warn("Code: ".concat(error.code, "; Message: ").concat(error.message)); // set content of results element
    } else if (response.features < 1) {
      // add message to console
      console.log('No features selected'); // set content of results element
    } else {

Ideally I would query the points in a way like "Points WITHIN SELECTEDMUNI", and then get the ID's returned by this and set a whereClause on the points that include these ID's.

I'm not sure this is possible with the examples I am seeing or the fact that the municipality polygons are a tiledLayer.

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