Automated data management using python and custom metadata tags

01-06-2016 02:58 PM

Automated data management using python and custom metadata tags

Ensuring that spatial data flows seamlessly from source to end users can be a challenging task. This is especially true for large organizations with hundreds of data layers and many ways for users to access those data. We will show how Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks staff use python tools to generate accurate, standardized metadata with custom tags that direct the automation of various data management needs.  This approach allows us to control layer specific workflow requirements, including downstream dependencies and intended migration destinations, ranging from regional network drives to our ArcGIS Online Open Data portal. In addition to reducing GIS staff workload, our internal staff and public users are getting quick access to well-documented and up-to-date data layers in a timely fashion.

Tags (2)
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Last update:
‎01-06-2016 02:58 PM
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