Understanding People’s Perceptions among Groups through a Geographic Survey

01-06-2016 06:37 AM

Understanding People’s Perceptions among Groups through a Geographic Survey

The purpose of this web mapping application is to understand how well people can define locations of different groups in geographic space, and how this relates to their attitudes about towards these groups. Using two simple datasets such as US block groups and US zip code, an US basemap by Esri, and a classic web survey approach, the application asks users to indicate in which neighborhood do most people from a certain group lives. A side-by-side mapping approach is used to retrieve feedback once the survey is completed. Most interestingly it utilizes a SVG Linear Gradient manipulation approach to capture the users’ perception of a single neighborhood that is shared by multiple groups. The application is developed using the ESRI JS Mapping API and a PostGIS database to collect the user survey information. The two datasets were created using an ArcPy script, and published as a map service on ArcGIS Server.

URL: People and Geography Quiz from Harvard University     

Version history
Last update:
‎01-06-2016 06:37 AM
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