GIS Day Resources from Esri Press

11-06-2023 09:00 AM
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GIS day is November 15, and Esri Press has fun resources for young learners and geogeeks in the making! In addition to our various children’s books, we have related interactive mapping activities, printable activities and coloring pages, relevant Learn tutorials, and more.


Lindsey the GIS Professional and related activities

Lindsey_circle_thumbs (1).jpgShare the joy of mapping with Lindsey the GIS Professional as she collects information about the world around her to make a map of her favorite park. The first in a STEAM career-themed picture book series, this book describes what it's like to work with a GIS.

StoryMap: Young learners can help Lindsey make some maps in this interactive activity that introduces them to ArcGIS.

Lindsey website: Explore the full website for Lindsey and let kids find more fun things to do including printable activities.

Spanish website: You can also find the book and activities in Spanish.


The STEAM at Work! series and related activities 

STEAM 1200x600.jpgThis series introduces young readers to exciting, fun STEAM careers and real possibilities for channeling their passions. Along with Lindsey the GIS Professional book, characters in each book use their curiosity and skills to solve environmental and social issues.

STEAM at Work! website: Let kids roam around the series website and find online and downloadable activities that interest them.

Digital swag: Download a special GIS Day video background featuring Lindsey or the STEAM at Work! group.


The Locators and related activities

Locators_website_ads_tw_3.gifUsing different color maps and clues, readers can help the Locators—two children and their pet parrot—on each step of their journey by completing the illustrated activity at the end of each chapter. Full of fun, full-color illustrations, activities, and tons of facts about endangered species, habitats, and more, this adventure keeps kids interested and makes learning easy.

StoryMap: Young geogeeks can help the Locators save jaguars in South America in this interactive map.

The Locators website: Like the websites for the STEAM at Work! books, The Locators website has more fun activities for kids.


Learn about our entire children’s book catalog and associated activities here, or find more resources for GIS Day here.

About the Author
I create marketing plans for our books and events, develop campaigns, and lead our email strategy. Outside of work, you can find me caring for and admiring my indoor plants, gaming, or enjoying a good jigsaw puzzle.