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Getting to Know ArcGIS PRO 2.8 Chapter 2C issue

09-01-2023 06:08 PM
New Contributor

I am going through this book as an independent study and have run into an issue I do not know how to fix. I am on the subheading, Add data and create a bookmark, on page 61. It asks me to drag over the shape file named buildings.shp. I have checked in my file explorer and confirmed I do have this file, but for some reason, it is not showing up in the catalog pane at all. I would appreciate any ideas or solutions thank you for your help.

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Esri Contributor

Hi Mason,

I do not have access to the course material and I am running ArcGIS Pro 3.1.3, but, I will try and help.

Have you created a folder connection to the folder that contains the shapefile? In the Catalog pane, click on the Project tab, and right-click the Folders node and select Add Folder Connection. 

If you have created a folder connection, in the Catalog pane, click on the Project tab, expand the Folders node, right-click on the folder connection and select Refresh. Does the buildings shapefile appear?

If the shapefile does not appear, is your shapefile valid? In File Explorer, navigate to the folder that contains your buildings shapefile. Do you see the following:

- buildings.cpg, buildings.dbf, buildings.prj, buildings.shp, buildings.shp.xml, and a buildings.shx

