Where can I download GLUT64?

08-25-2011 07:16 AM
New Contributor
I'm trying to use Esri.FileGDBAPI but can't find where I can get GLUT64 dll.  I have copied glut32.dll into my VS2010 project but it's giving me an error that the module (Esri.FileGDBAPI) can't be found.

Appreciate any help.
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8 Replies
New Contributor
Okay...I tried using x86 platform to go with my glut32.dll; but I'm receiving the same error: Could not load the module Esri.FileGDBAPI?

How do I go about installing this API?
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New Contributor

I think I have a fundamental issue here.  Can I use this API on ArcGIS Desktop file geodatabases?  Or does this work only for ArcSDE-created geodatabases?
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Esri Regular Contributor
GLUT64 can be downloaded from http://www.idfun.de/glut64/. GLUT32/GLUT64 is only required to compile the Display sample. You can only use the File Geodatabase API on file geodatabases? It does not work for ArcSDE-created geodatabases? What platform and compiler are you using?
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New Contributor

Thanks for clarifying the glut64 issue.  I'm using Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard (not a production server).

I registered the Esri.FileGDBAPI.dll using the gacutil (found in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Bin\NETFX 4.0 Tools).  I did the same thing to glut32.dll.  I copied the glut32.dll into my app's bin\Debug folder.

I'm using VS2010 Professional (x86) and I'm targeting .NET 4 Framework.

What I'm really hoping the FileGDBAPI would provide is for me to access the attribute tables of feature classes, dbf tables, and raster catalog attribute tables that are stored inside file geodatabases created using ArcGIS Desktop 10.  Access them FROM SQL Server Database table (not created by ArcSDE--just plain SQL Server database).

Is it possible to do this using the FileGDBAPI?

Appreciate any clarification.
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Esri Regular Contributor

Thanks for clarifying the glut64 issue.  I'm using Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard (not a production server).

I registered the Esri.FileGDBAPI.dll using the gacutil (found in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Bin\NETFX 4.0 Tools).  I did the same thing to glut32.dll.  I copied the glut32.dll into my app's bin\Debug folder.

I'm using VS2010 Professional (x86) and I'm targeting .NET 4 Framework.

What I'm really hoping the FileGDBAPI would provide is for me to access the attribute tables of feature classes, dbf tables, and raster catalog attribute tables that are stored inside file geodatabases created using ArcGIS Desktop 10.  Access them FROM SQL Server Database table (not created by ArcSDE--just plain SQL Server database).

Is it possible to do this using the FileGDBAPI?

Appreciate any clarification.

Esri.FileGDBAPI.dll does not need to be registered. The File Geodatabase API VS2010 version 1.1 includes two sample directories, samples and samplesC#. Samples includes C++ samples using FileGDBAPI.dll. SamplesC# includes the samples for the .NET wrapper and uses Esri.FileGDBAPI.dll.

Can you describe what you are trying to do? The File Geodatabase API provides access to file geodatabase data. It does no provide access to ArcSDE data, Personal Geodatabases or to shapefiles.
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New Contributor
Okay... so, that means FileGDBAPI only operates within ArcGIS environment.  If I want to make a connection between ArcGIS and SQL Server, and access the tables between the two, there's still no API for that.

I need to get the data from file geodatabases (feature datasets, raster catalogs, dbf files) into a format that our modeling application can use.  However, before the models can use the data, we need to make all kinds of additional calculations, transformations (Some spatial, others not). 

The data are huge (some have over a million rows).  We use SQL Server 2008 to further manipulate these data.  From SQL Server, we need to export the data again into a format that the model recognizes (but I'll get to that problem after I find a solution to the one at hand).

My problem is how to capture the data from an ArcGIS file geodatabase environment into a .NET environment.  For example, at this point, in order for me to upload a dbf file into SQL Server, I convert the dbf table into an XML file and do a bulk insert into a SQL Server table that has the same schema as the dbf table.  But this requires that I first create the destination table in SQL Server.  What I need is some kind of a data provider that would allow me to simply create a connection to the datasets stored in file geodatabase and upload the attribute tables into SQL Server.  This means, the provider should let me connect to the attribute table of a shapefile or feature datasets, raster catalogs, and yes, info or dbf tables.

I still don't know why I'm getting the error that it can't find the Esri.FileGDBAPI module.
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Esri Regular Contributor
The File Geodatabase API is a standalone API and requires nothing from ArcGIS. It is designed to allow read/write access to File Geodatabase simple features (points, multipoint, lines, polygons and multipatch). The .NET wrapper provides this same functionality for .NET users. It is not an ADO.NET provider. What you are describing can be written using the API, at lease the File Geodatabase side. Access to SQL server would require other .NET tools.
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Esri Esteemed Contributor
If you have ArcGIS, there's little reason to use the File Geodatabase API, since ArcObjects
provides a more robust interface to FGDBs. The FileGDBAPI DLLs exist for use *outside* of the
ArcGIS application environment.  ArcObjects has several potential access paths to Microsoft
database products, though this isn't really the place to dwell on that.

- V
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