Dissolve does not work on Windows 7 32-bit machines

10-30-2015 05:47 AM
New Contributor

Dissolve will not work, at all, via any method (e.g., Toolbox, ModelBuilder, script Dissolve_management, etc.), on any Windows 7 32-bit machine throughout our organization.

Analysts use ArcGIS for Desktop

What are options for our Windows 7 32-bit machines, which is our core platform for a variety of unrelated compatibility requirements?

Thank you,

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9 Replies
MVP Emeritus

I never had any problems with dissolve, you will have to provide file specifics as to where the files reside and the destination of the result... are they locally sourced or on a network?  Have you run tests to confirm and rule out network issues, particularly since everyone is affected.

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Esri Contributor

In addition to the questions of Dan: do you get an error message?

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

Is there any change if you use background vs. foreground processing?

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New Contributor

Local vs. network vs. server - Makes no file input or result output difference in any combination of listed data sources or output destinations. Tested each combination as administrator with full control permissions.

Error - It throws a generic 999999 after Not Responding for ~2 to 8 hours. Since the error was generic, I did not keep a screenshot.  I think it may have been the Invalid Topology Out of Memory flavor of 999999. All machines have plenty of RAM, but only 4GB can be addressed due to 32-bit. Still, I’ve tested with a ~1,000 sq.ft. two-part polygon after repairing geometry. Nada.

Background vs. foreground - Tried both.

All tests work on a few old legacy XP machines, and the couple of 64-bit W7 machines we have.

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Esteemed Contributor

Can you try Dissolve on another data set as this might be specific to the data you are currently working with?

Where do you store the data (SDE, file gdb, shapefile)?

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New Contributor

Mr. Volz,

Dissolve on another data set - I created the test dataset (i.e., ~1,000 sq.ft. two-part polygon) to eliminate our actual datasets as a cause (i.e., file size and complexity, limited 32-bit memory addressing in W7 32-bit, and possible geometry errors). All tests of all datasets work fine on XP and W7 64-bit machines.

Where do you store the data – I have tested all combinations of local (e.g., C:\) vs. network (i.e., UNC and network drive paths) vs. server (SDE master in Oracle as administrator). Again, all work on XP and W7 64-bit.

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MVP Emeritus

Okay, this is strange,

  1. when did you install arcmap?
  2. did a dissolve ever work after install?
  3. If 2 is Yes, did you install any updates or any other software after a working session?
  4. If 2 is N0, did you try a reinstall?
  5. have you tried creating a different type of feature class, ie shapefiles, file geodatabase etd and was the behaviour the same in all cases
  6. I am assuming it is all people trying this, not one person on different machines
  7. all I can think of, but file a tech support ticket since somewhere in the tree, things have gone wrong
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MVP Emeritus
I think it may have been the Invalid Topology Out of Memory flavor of 999999.

Since you think you saw an error about topology having issues , I wonder if a repair of the geometry might help?

Repair Geometry—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

Try setting the OS environment variable ARCTMPDIR to a writable folder and restarting ArcMap.

ARCTMPDIR issue - Feature Class To Coverage fails

This suggestion does not probably apply to your large dissolve (the one that runs for 2-8 hrs and then crashes)... but since you say it never works, even with small datasets, it may help.

The one that cranks for hours and crashes may simply be a resources issue where you can't do a dissolve that large in 32-bit without splitting your data into smaller processing pieces. There are hard memory limits you can hit in large vector processes that prevent them from working in 32-bit.