Expressions Not Being Honored By The Append Tool

a week ago
New Contributor II

I am trying to take advantage of the Append tool's "upsert" capabilities to insert or update a parent FC from a child FC.  However I only want to have the "upsert" operation run on a subset of the child features.  I am finding that using the expression parameter doesn't seem to have any effect and the "upsert" operation is run for all features in the child FC.

I am trying to perform this operation in arcpy, but have tested it in Pro (3.2) using the Append tool UI and found the same results.

In the screen shot example provided, you can see I'm using an expression to select a single child FC by OBJECTID to run the "upsert".  However when we look at the results in the second screen shot you can see that the "last edited" timestamp in the parent FC was updated for all 6 records that are in the child FC.  In other words, all 6 features in the child FC were evaluated even though only one should have been.

Is the expression ignored when doing an "upsert" instead of a regular append?





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