GP: Reclassify

11-09-2009 10:24 AM
New Contributor III
Hi all,

Has anyone used Reclassify on a 64bit, Win7 machine?  I am getting a very funky result. 

I'm attempting to classify a raster 32bit, float (ranges from .02... to 7.4...)
to a 2 class integer.  The GP finishes, but I end up with 9 classes and values that range from 0 - 1,018,292,762.   not exactly what I was after. 

EDIT: after further inspection, the majority (or all) of the ranged values seemed to classify correctly, but there seems to be a large number of extraneous values added somewhere in the raster.

I performed this same task many times on my 9.3 machine with the same data and worked just fine.

any help would be appreciated.

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2 Replies
New Contributor III
This might be inconsequential, but I find it odd that in the general forum the little open letter graphic shows posts not yet read, and a sealed purple envelope for posts that have been visited (and read).  just a comment.
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New Contributor III
anyone have any ideas ? I've tried subsequent rasters and the same keeps happening... am I missing something basic?

UPDATE:  after further tests, I get the desired results if I check the box for "Change missing values to NoData" ... apparently the input raster has null value as= "-3.40282346639e+038"
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