Reclassification precision error

04-20-2012 06:35 AM
New Contributor II
Hello All,

When running the Reclass tool within a larger model I received the following message:

To ensure a correct reclassification, edit ranges or use a different precision settings in the Reclassification dialog box.
The input raster maximum (-1.7976931348623157e+308) is out of range.
To ensure a correct reclassification, edit ranges or use a different precision settings in the Reclassification dialog box.

The reclass executes successfully, but I have not been able to figure out what exactly this error refers to. Could someone please enlighten me?

thanks, mike
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1 Reply
New Contributor III
Same issue here. The results seem fine, but I get the same "To ensure a correct reclassification, edit ranges or use a different precision settings in the Reclassification dialog box." message.
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