Field Notes - Earth Mobile App: Putting the World in your Hand

09-21-2015 07:05 PM
Occasional Contributor
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Working with Brooke Reams, Charlie Frye, Sean Breyer, and others, we were able to release the Field Notes - Earth mobile app in only 6 weeks! Featured in Time Magazine and Yahoo News, this app transforms you to any location in the world and describes numerous, fascinating facts about that place. It shares the power of geographic information through a common language to describe the landscape of the Earth.

1. Choose a place, such as your hometown, to learn interesting facts about population, nature, and physical landscapes.

2. Choose a second location to compare and contrast the differences.

These types of comparisons help us to better understand the differences in our landscapes and allow meaningful conversations on how to manage and protect our resources.

Download the app for iOS or download the app for Android!


About the Author
A geographer and storyteller, Jennifer is a lover of all things maps. She is the product manager for ArcGIS StoryMaps and is passionate about improving the storytelling experience and advocating for authors and readers. Explore ArcGIS StoryMaps to tell your story!