Getting Started on Developing a Geospatial Strategy: The Approach to Maximizing Impact

05-12-2022 04:16 PM
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Getting Started on Developing a Geospatial Strategy: The Approach to Maximizing Impact

To maximize the impact of any technology platform, organizations need a thoughtful, consensus-driven strategy for using the platform to meet their business needs. The same is true with geospatial and geographic
information system (GIS) technology.

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Occasional Contributor

I just finished our first ever GIS Strategic Plan here at the City of Ocala in December.  It seems like an overwhelming task, but I chose to keep it focused and condensed.  A 100-pager might look impressive, but not very many will make it to the end before losing interest.  I used a very simple Survey123 survey and had questions geared towards users and questions geared toward management to help me identify where they saw gaps, what their wishes were, etc.  (See what I did there - I had them all using a GIS tool).  I did my own SWOT and then added in the input received and logically grouped them into four main areas of focus and explained how projects in those areas relate back to our organization's priorities which support our Vision and Mission.  My recommendation to any others that are dreading this task is to just get started.  There's nothing wrong with starting small - you can add to it each year during the Revisit phase.

Esri Contributor

@MelissaNorthey , thank you for sharing. Survey123 is an excellent way to engage departments when the organization is developing a strategy. I use it on every geospatial strategy I work on. Your approach to make the linkage and alignment back to the City's priorities and mission is spot on. As well is your recommendation to just get started. I always suggest if the task looks very intimidating then focus on getting the foundation set in place. Start small and build upon it as you've suggested.

1. Develop what is the mission statement of your GIS program or team

2. Develop what the vision for the program or team will be.

3. Create some high-level goals to achieve (3-4), I usually recommend 12-18 months when first getting started. 

4. Determine the priorities or emphasis of the strategy.

5. Start with a few departments to get started (1-3)

Revisit each year and expand on the foundation. 

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Last update:
‎05-12-2022 04:16 PM
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