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DTM with a LAS dataset

04-27-2020 02:47 PM
New Contributor

I'm working on creating a DTM with a LAS dataset. This point cloud was collected via UAV photogrammetry. 


In the past my colleagues and I have used LASD to raster and it works well most of the time.  However, I stumbled upon Interpolate from Point Cloud and it says to use this for DTM and DSM. I can't find any videos on youtube demonstrating this tool, so I'm not sure if this would be more beneficial. 


What are the pros and cons to using either of these tools to create a DTM?

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Esri Regular Contributor


If you're just seeking a generalized DSM or DTM you could use either tool, but if you want a high resolution product, you should use LASD to Raster.  It was built presuming lidar, and provides more control if you're hoping to generate surfaces with fine detail.

Interpolate from Point Cloud was built for use in Ortho Mapping, where the output surface would be used as the base surface for image orthorectification.  

Cody B. 

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