How do I find hard to find aerial photos that are not online?

01-02-2018 12:01 PM
Frequent Contributor

I  have a question about locating old Aerial Photos that I am seeking for my project. I am going to work on a lot of old not georeferenced aerial photos on my forest boundary. I have them that are on my external hard drive. If, for some reason, one or several aerial photo might be missing. I need to pull one or a few to be include my project. I am aware that USGS EarthExplorer and several other site that carry aerial photos that you can download from the internet.

My question to you is does the public or private library may  have them on their online or in their storage ?

If the city or county offices has them, which department do they most likely have them ?

I prefer them to be free and download only. I am looking at the aerial photos that are done pre-50's.

Location I am seeking them specifically in Colorado.

Thank you for your feedback.

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4 Replies
MVP Honored Contributor


That's a good question and I don't have a good answer for you, unfortunately. Personally, I would contact all departments in all agencies that I would think could possibly have this kind of info. But, maybe an easier thing would be contacting local (statewide) user groups. I know Esri has an office in Colorado and they are likely very involved in local user groups and would know who would be good to contact.

tagging: FederalBLM GISUS Federal Government 

Good luck!

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Frequent Contributor

Thank you for the tip. I will contact them and yes there is ESRI office up in Boulder. That is something I just thought of it.

Also, I found one that the Colorado School of Mines had their "Index to Aerial Photos of Colorado" on their site.. 

And it is done in ArcGIS Online..

But when you click on one in yellow color it prompts you to open another webpage to USGS EarthExplorer..

So I have bookmark it on my computer should I need to find one later...

Maybe someone out there can give me some more tips...

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Esri Regular Contributor

ASPRS has a Digital Preservation and Archive Committee (DPAC) that is building a searchable archive of air photos - you can start here ASPRS Aerial Data Catalog: The Source for Finding Aerial Collections – ASPRS  to find the link to the online archive.

Note that, in most cases, this archive will direct you to a company or person that has film - in other words, NOT yet scanned into digital format - and this is simply step 1 toward an agreement to scan the film, which I would expect would not be done for free.

Cody B

Frequent Contributor

Yes I have seen this before and have been there and look it around.. I have notice that some of them were done by the University of California at Santa Barbara.  They had the same thing that they put it there too...

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