Getting a timeout when downloading large maps using OfflineMapJob

01-05-2024 12:12 AM
Occasional Contributor

Hi, we follow your tutorial here to download maps:

When we define a large map (~1,9GB) we get a timeout after a certain time. Is there a way to allow a higher timeout using the SDK?

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3 Replies
Esri Contributor

Can you share which timeout exception you're receiving? Our API doesn't allow configuring a longer timeout, but knowing which type of timeout is being hit will help to narrow down how it can be resolved.

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Occasional Contributor

Hi @MikeWilburn ,

the timeout happens here when querying result() from the GenerateOfflineMapJob instance. result() calls onFailure and it.message simply contains the string "timeout".

offlineMapJob.result().onSuccess {
Timber.d("Map download finished successfully.")
return Result.success()
}.onFailure {
return handleFailure("Map download failed with message ${it.message}.")
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Esri Contributor

Hi @padmalcom ,

What's the type of the exception (it) passed by `onFailure`?

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