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Wanting to rotate features while maintining original COGO attributes

08-11-2014 07:53 AM
New Contributor III


I frequently work with parcel data as part of my job.  I'm finding the benefit of having COGO information stored in my line-work, but have found a major nuance (possible bug?) with it.

Frequently, the surveys of parcels are rotated as they relate to my data-frame.  This results in me rotating several groups of lines from a survey to fit my data.  However, when I do this all the COGO attributes from the traverse get set to null!

Is there some setting I can set to prevent this?  I want to be able to freely rotate features, while maintaining the original survey attributes in the COGO fields.

Thanks in advance

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2 Replies
New Contributor III

I'm going to add onto this and ask:

Is there any way to disable the auto-updating of COGO attributes when doing certain tasks?  For example, it also nulls all the values whenever I do a line extension (for topology purposes).

Am I using the COGO attributes in the wrong way?  I assumed this was a way to maintain the survey information of a land records boundary.  However ArcMap seems to be making this as difficult as it possibly can.  Again, It seems as if I do any sort of topology edits it completely removes these attributes and I have to re-enter them again.

I'm running ArcGIS 10.2.2 if that is of any help.  Thanks.

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Occasional Contributor III

I had a similar problem and when I saw yours, the gray matter got jostled enough to remind me I already knew the answer.  Here's what I did:

  1. Open "ArcMap Advanced Settings Utility.exe".  For me it's under C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Desktop10.2\Utilities\.
  2. Click on the Advanced Editing tab
  3. Uncheck "Clear COGO attributes when the feature geometry is modified."