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LocalMaps 2.3 & Beyond...

10-28-2019 05:37 PM
Esri Contributor
0 0 275

Kia ora LocalMaps Community!


We hope you had a safe and pleasant long weekend – despite Saturday's result... So to help raise your spirits, we have some exciting announcements to share with you of what’s in store for LocalMaps for the next 12 months.


First announcement!

LocalMaps version 2.3 is almost here and is set to be released on Wednesday 20th November.


Here are the Top 5 New Features Coming to 2.3:

  • NEW Conditional Reporting
    • If a parcel intersects with a flood layer, include a text/map/image element with information about the risk. If a parcel does not intersect, do not include the element.
  • LM Reporting Enhancements
    • Generate reports as a Word document
    • Generate reports based on a buffered area
    • New rich text editor for text elements (e.g. bring in formatted text and images)
    • New table element editor to provide more flexibility of table appearance
    • New conditional text element
    • New report button to generate reports within viewer pop-ups
  • Hosted Feature Table support for Feature Queries
  • Export drawings and features as GPX and KML files
  • Search Enhancements (e.g. User has the ability to tick on and off which searches to run within the viewer)


A list of bug fixes and minor enhancements will be included in the Full Release Notes in confluence post-release.

Second Announcement!

A new direction for LocalMaps…


With new advancements coming to the Esri platform next year, including the take-off of Javascript 4.X, we are in the process of shaping the future of LocalMaps. And we wish to announce that version 2.3 will be the last iteration of LocalMaps as you know it.


But not to fear – we are not stopping the development or support of LocalMaps. Instead, we are looking to super-charge the platform and hopefully give you a better service, more regular updates, and ultimately a better product. 


And with that, we are proud to announce that LocalMaps version 3.0 is scheduled for release at the end of 2020.


LocalMaps 3.0 will look to be a re-architected, modular solution, with a revitalised UI/UX - extending your maps further than ever before - but we won’t be spoiling all the surprises just yet. We will however, be in touch in the near future with more details, and to ask for your valuable input on how we can meet and exceed your expectations.


If you have any comments, questions or suggestions, please feel free to leave a comment below, or please contact


Ngā manaakitanga,

The LocalMaps Team