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ArcMap 10.6 Definition Query/Symoboloy Refresh Issue

03-05-2019 10:50 AM
Occasional Contributor III

  My coworker just noticed and issue that I just tested on my computer as well as another coworkers's and we have all experienced the issue.

  We are using an LRS event table to create point and line layers for maps.  Before merging over to 10.6 we never had an issue, but now that we have, we've noticed a problem.

  The issue is when importing the table from SDE and then displaying Route Events it shows the data.  When we add in a Definition Query for that layer, it works fine.  However, when we then Symbolize the layer, this is when we encounter the issue that sometimes we see the correct information, and other times we see everything as if the Definition Query wasn't there.

  Turning the layer on and off will randomly show the correct filtered information and other times, show everything.  When we see everything as if it wasn't filtered, if I print it or save it to a shapefile, the correct data is shown despite what we see on the screen.

  So seems like there is a stall when the data gets to filtering with the Definition Query at times for some odd reason and we can't figure out why that would be.

  The current work around is when we see on the screen that everything is shown, we just go into the layer properties in the Symbology tab and just turn the <all other values> on and then off and press OK and it displays the correct data.  Though still wondering what might cause this?

  Coworkers are both on Win 7 using ArcGIS 10.6.  I am on Windows 7 using 10.6.1.  (I also had the same issue using ArcPro)


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