Product Library in ArcGIS Pro...?

01-08-2019 07:56 AM
Esri Contributor

Hi Everybody!

Does anyone know if there are plans to create the Product Library functionality in ArcGIS Pro? I mean the same functionality of central management of cartographic products (solutions, map series, sheets) as in Esri Production Mapping for Desktop (ArcMap).


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4 Replies
Occasional Contributor III

Hey Tomasz

As David mentioned in his Chatter response, "We do have plans to develop comparable functionality to Product Library in the future. We are looking at a modern implementation that takes advantage of cloud storage rather than local databases; however, the details and designs have yet to be worked through, and this is not on the near-term road map."

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Occasional Contributor III

Hi, I am just wondering if this has gotten any further?  Is there a webpage or resource I can watch for the progress on this topic?

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New Contributor

Hi, I found the article about generalization in Production Mapping (ArcGIS PRO / ArcMap):


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New Contributor II
I would like to refresh this Post.
Does anyone know if this functionality has been implemented in ArcGIS: ArcGIS Pro or some cloud solution? Or are there any plans to implement this issue?