"Failed to open raster dataset" in zonal statistics

07-11-2012 07:11 AM
New Contributor II

I am trying to use zonal statistics to calculate the average amount of rainfall for each county. Here is my code:

# Import arcpy module
import arcpy
from arcpy import env
from arcpy.sa import *

# Check out any necessary licenses

# Input data source
arcpy.env.workspace = "S:/Work/Risa/Trials_Errors/InputFiles02"
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True

ZoneShapefile = "S:/Work/Risa/USA Boundary_AlbersNAD83/PINEMAP_Counties_USCensus.shp"

# Output File
OutputFolder = "S:/Work/Risa/Trials_Errors/ZonalStats"

# Loop through a list of files in the workspace
RasterFiles = arcpy.ListRasters()

# Local variables:
for filename in RasterFiles:
    print("Processing: " + filename)
    inRaster = arcpy.env.workspace + "/" + filename
    fileroot = filename
    outRaster = OutputFolder + "/" + "Avg_" + fileroot + ".tif"
    # Process: Zonal Statistics
    arcpy.gp.ZonalStatistics_sa(ZoneShapefile, "FID", inRaster, outRaster, "MEAN", "DATA")

print " "
print ":o) End Processing :)"

The problem is that when I run it, it creates this error:

Processing: ppt_1970_01.tif

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "S:/Work/Risa/Python codes/zonalStats_test.py", line 36, in <module>
arcpy.gp.ZonalStatistics_sa(ZoneShapefile, "FID", inRaster, outRaster, "MEAN", "DATA")
File "C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Desktop10.0\arcpy\arcpy\geoprocessing\_base.py", line 474, in <lambda>
return lambda *args: val(*gp_fixargs(args))
ExecuteError: ERROR 999999: Error executing function.
Failed to open raster dataset
Failed to execute (ZonalStatistics).

What is weird is that every time when I run the program, it creates a raster file in the input folder, which I didn't specify. e.g. "t_t126". If I hit run again, will create another file and so on. These files don't give me the average value by the county either. It gave me a weird number. If the program runs properly, it should create "Avg_ppt_1970_01.tif" in the output folder.

However, if I run one file at a time (exported from Model Builder), it works fine. Here's the code that works.

# Import arcpy module
import arcpy

# Check out any necessary licenses

# Local variables:
PINEMAP_Counties_USCensus = "S:/Work/Risa/USA Boundary_AlbersNAD83/PINEMAP_Counties_USCensus.shp"
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
ppt_1970_01_tif = "S:/Work/Risa/Trials_Errors/InputFiles02/ppt_1970_01.tif"
ZonalSt_shp2 = "S:/Work/Risa/Trials_Errors/ZonalStats/ZonalSt_shp.tif"

# Process: Zonal Statistics
arcpy.gp.ZonalStatistics_sa(PINEMAP_Counties_USCensus, "FID", ppt_1970_01_tif, ZonalSt_shp2, "MEAN", "DATA")

print "Done!"

So, I don't get it why it says "Failed to open raster dataset".

Here are the sample files (see the attachments)

Any thoughts and help would be pretty much appreciated.

Thank you.
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13 Replies
Frequent Contributor
I'm not sure what your issue would be here. This method works for me. I came across this old forum thread with a similar issue, could it be related?
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New Contributor II
Dear Matt,

Yep, I saw that post. I will change the computer and see if it works. Wow..ESRI bugging problems are a waste of time!! I will let you know if it works or not. Thank you so much.

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New Contributor II
HI Matt,

yeah...i changed the computer and it is still gives me the same error. Hopefully, someone else will  comment on my post.

I tried to specify the individual filename and it doesn't read the file name, it reads as 'band 1', which is weird. I changed this line:

arcpy.env.workspace = "S:/Work/Risa/Trials_Errors/InputFiles02/ppt_1971_07.tif"

and the output is:

Processing: Band_1

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "S:\Work\Risa\Python codes\zonalStats_test02.py", line 39, in <module>
    saveRaster = arcpy.sa.ZonalStatistics(ZoneData, "ZoneField", inRaster, "MEAN", "DATA")
  File "C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Desktop10.0\arcpy\arcpy\sa\Functions.py", line 5787, in ZonalStatistics
  File "C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Desktop10.0\arcpy\arcpy\sa\Utils.py", line 47, in swapper
    result = wrapper(*args, **kwargs)
  File "C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Desktop10.0\arcpy\arcpy\sa\Functions.py", line 5780, in wrapper
  File "C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Desktop10.0\arcpy\arcpy\geoprocessing\_base.py", line 474, in <lambda>
    return lambda *args: val(*gp_fixargs(args))
ExecuteError: ERROR 999999: Error executing function.
Failed to open raster dataset
Failed to execute (ZonalStatistics).
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New Contributor II
Dear Matt,

The code works but I had to move the files to the local drive. I think there might be something wrong with the program reading from our server. Thank you very much for your help.

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