Bisect Polygon w/ Arcpy

07-02-2014 11:59 AM
Occasional Contributor

How might I bisect the attached polygon in a NE/SW direction using arcpy? Looking for a line feature class as output also. Any suggestions?
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...first post on GeoNet, thought I'd use this thread (hope you don't mind Noah) to try out the experience on the new forum format.  Since this seems to be a one-off, I'll even try posting some really rough code below that was constructed interactively (IDLE), but 1st I'll explain the so-called solution.  This may not be good, but it's what came to mind - here it is in basically 3 steps:

1- In the Features toolset (Data Management toolbox), use Minimum Bounding Geometry with the RECTANGLE_BY_AREA geometry type (basic licence level)...

(This part is what is actually shown in the code section below, working on the Min Bound Geom result.)

2- With the known 4 corners of the 'bounding polygon' output, extract the midpoints along the major axis...

3- use some geometry methods and some kind of overlay processing to 'split' the orig poly.

I apologize firsthand for what I resorted to doing in the final step 3, kind of lost the handle on what I was doing and cheated a little using an 'advanced' (and probably inefficient for this use case) couple of heavyduty Feature To Polygon and Feature To Line tool executions (since you wanted the 'oval' outline in 2 line 'mirrored' parts, if I understood correctly?)...yeah, I know, failed to do it all with the lower license and I know well there's a workaround in order to complete the task, but frankly it's beer-thirty and I'm thirsty.  If it cripples you at the last step I can help out tomorrow, but it does the trick with just ver 10.0 (easily adapted to more advanced techniques via 10.2.x).  Okay, remember this was only meant for a one-off, no polish whatsoever, and only meant as a demo to help furnish you an idea how to go about this problem.  Of course this could be dramatically shortened, and improved esp where I failed to include the final hack converting the geom without requiring a higher-than-Basic Desktop license...maybe someone else will do that.   Enjoy, Wayne let's see if I can figure out how to paste this rough-hacked solution:

>>> rows = arcpy.SearchCursor("the MinimumBoundingGeometry result on your oval shape")

>>> row =

>>> feat = row.Shape

>>> for point in feat.getPart(0):

...     print point.X, point.Y


535920.293977   123231.784748

537048.195264   124114.261001

537569.582345   123447.87093

536441.681058   122565.395005

535920.293977   123231.784748

>>> anArray = feat.getPart(0)

>>> for i in range(4):

...     print anArray.getObject(i)


535920.293976922 123231.784747839 NaN NaN

537048.195264421 124114.261001259 NaN NaN

537569.582345005 123447.870929845 NaN NaN

536441.681057505 122565.395004511 NaN NaN

>>> newArray = arcpy.Array()


>>> # coords of bisect line

>>> pt1X = anArray.getObject(0).X + (anArray.getObject(3).X - anArray.getObject(0).X)/2

>>> print pt1X


>>> pt1Y = anArray.getObject(3).Y + (anArray.getObject(0).Y - anArray.getObject(3).Y)/2

>>> print pt1Y



>>> # now pt2 to form the other line endpoint...

>>> pt2X = anArray.getObject(1).X + (anArray.getObject(2).X - anArray.getObject(1).X)/2

>>> print pt2X


>>> pt2Y = anArray.getObject(2).Y + (anArray.getObject(1).Y - anArray.getObject(2).Y)/2

>>> print pt2Y



>>> # create the points...

>>> pt1 = arcpy.Point(pt1X,pt1Y)

>>> pt2 = arcpy.Point(pt2X,pt2Y)


>>> # add the points to the new array...

>>> newArray.add(pt1);newArray.add(pt2)


>>> # create the line geometry...

>>> bisect = arcpy.Polyline(newArray)

>>> arcpy.env.workspace = r'C:\Users\whitley-wayne\Documents\ArcGIS\Default.gdb'

>>> arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True

>>> arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(bisect, 'bisectingLine')

<Result 'C:\\Users\\whitley-wayne\\Documents\\ArcGIS\\Default.gdb\\bisectingLine'>


>>> # define in_features, out_feature_class

>>> in_features = ['ovalTendingNEtoSW', 'bisectingLine']

>>> out_feature_class = 'bisectedPoly'


>>> # try the union again with geom copied to line fc:

>>> arcpy.Union_analysis (in_features, out_feature_class)

Runtime error <class 'arcgisscripting.ExecuteError'>: ERROR 000366: Invalid geometry type

>>> # wrong gp tool with ERROR 000366, try feat to poly...

>>> # FeatureToPolygon_management (in_features, out_feature_class, {cluster_tolerance}, {attributes}, {label_features})

>>> arcpy.FeatureToPolygon_management (in_features, out_feature_class)

<Result 'C:\\Users\\whitley-wayne\\Documents\\ArcGIS\\Default.gdb\\bisectedPoly'>


>>> # didn't work; try increasing the cluster tolerance...

>>> arcpy.FeatureToPolygon_management (in_features, out_feature_class, '1')

<Result 'C:\\Users\\whitley-wayne\\Documents\\ArcGIS\\Default.gdb\\bisectedPoly'>


>>> # that worked...

>>> arcpy.FeatureToLine_management("bisectedPoly","bisectedPolyToLine")

<Result 'C:\\Users\\whitley-wayne\\Documents\\ArcGIS\\Default.gdb\\bisectedPolyToLine'>


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I got more time to look at this problem again - 3 things I really did not like about the last solution I posted are:

- This was first tried as a 10.0 solution, so I didn't have access to the 10.2.x geometry methods, boundary() and cut(cutter).

- I couldn't think of a 'lower license' solution to 'reconstruct' the oval polygon into 2 bisected parts and resorted to using Feature To Polygon.

- Unfortunately the bisecting line geometry constructed didn't work until I 'fiddled' with the cluster tolerance - this introduced some error.

I have another machine with 10.2.1 installed that yields a better solution (lower license) without introducing error.  Just being lazy before, but a simple solution to overcoming the cluster tolerance challenge is to use a little algebra on the bisecting line to extend it enough to effectively use it as a 'cutter'.  This bit of code (within IDLE) then 'corrects' the 'bisect' line geometry:

>>> # recall (from the previous post) the point coordinates derived from the MBG output

>>> print pt1X;pt1Y;pt2X;pt2Y






>>> slope = (pt2Y - pt1Y)/(pt2X - pt1X)

>>> print slope



>>> # Y2 - Y1 = slope(X2 - X1)

>>> # Then, say, delta X is 1 unit...then Y2 - Y1 = slope.


>>> pt1Xext = pt1X -1.0

>>> pt2Xext = pt2X +1.0

>>> print pt1Xext;pt2Xext




>>> # Y2 = slope + Y1

>>> pt1Yext = -slope + pt1Y

>>> print pt1Yext



>>> pt2Yext = pt2Y + slope

>>> print pt2Yext



>>> # now load the 'corrected' coords into point objs

>>> pt1 = arcpy.Point(pt1Xext,pt1Yext)

>>> pt2 = arcpy.Point(pt2Xext,pt2Yext)

>>> newArray = arcpy.Array()

>>> newArray.add(pt1);newArray.add(pt2)


>>> # from the array, create the line geom

>>> bisect = arcpy.Polyline(newArray)'s where it gets interesting - I access the original oval shape to be cut, but unfortunately I run into a spatial reference required on 'bisect' is missing when trying to make the 'cut' (or bisect):

>>> # same 10.0 command (old-style cursor)

>>> rows2 = arcpy.SearchCursor('ovalTendingNEtoSW')

>>> row2 =

>>> feat2 = row2.shape

>>> type(feat2)

<class 'arcpy.arcobjects.geometries.Polygon'>


>>> # now try the 'new' geom methods

>>> feat2bound = feat2.boundary()


>>> # 'bisect' is the 'cutter':

>>> # cut(cutter)

>>> theBisected = feat2bound.cut(bisect)

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "<pyshell#43>", line 1, in <module>

    theBisected = feat2bound.cut(bisect)

  File "C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Desktop10.2\arcpy\arcpy\arcobjects\", line 825, in cut

    return convertArcObjectToPythonObject(self._arc_object.Cut(*gp_fixargs((other,))))

RuntimeError: All geometries involved in this operation must have the same spatial reference.

So, this was corrected...the bisect was accomplished - without the need for a higher license (and without the tolerance error).

>>> feat2.spatialReference.PCSName


>>> bisect.spatialReference.PCSName


>>> feat2.spatialReference.PCSCode


>>> feat2.spatialReference.factoryCode


>>> sr = arcpy.SpatialReference(2881)

>>> sr.PCSName



>>> # build 'bisect' with a spatial reference

>>> bisect = arcpy.Polyline(newArray, sr)

>>> bisect.spatialReference.PCSName



>>> # no fuss now (hopefully)

>>> theBisected = feat2.cut(bisect)


>>> type(theBisected)

<type 'list'>

>>> for eachGeom in theBisected:

  print str(type(eachGeom))

<class 'arcpy.arcobjects.geometries.Polygon'>

<class 'arcpy.arcobjects.geometries.Polygon'>

>>> theBisectedLeft = theBisected[0].boundary()

>>> theBisectedRight = theBisected[1].boundary()


>>> # copy the results to gdb

>>> arcpy.Merge_management([theBisectedLeft,theBisectedRight],'bisectedOvalBoundary')

<Result '\\\\MC-GISAPPSERVER\\mapdocs\\temp\\testData.gdb\\bisectedOvalBoundary'>


>>> # not quite yet, but close...

>>> # need the bisection of the orig boundary poly; not the boundaries of the bisected polys

>>> theBisected = feat2bound.cut(bisect)

>>> arcpy.Merge_management([theBisected[0],theBisected[1]],'bisectedOvalBoundary2')

<Result '\\\\MC-GISAPPSERVER\\mapdocs\\temp\\testData.gdb\\bisectedOvalBoundary2'>

>>> # ah, beautiful!

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Occasional Contributor

Hey Wayne.

Thanks for choosing my example for your experiment.  This is a very ingenious solution and a thorough explanation! I will have to spend a little time working thru the details but  I am very grateful for this excellent response.  I like you am still familiarizing myself with Geonet. But I like what I have seen so far...  Thanks a million, I will add to when I have a grasp on this approach. So appreciated. Thank you!!


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