Create replica problem-produces exception

06-05-2012 09:45 AM
New Contributor III
Hello, I don't seem to be getting the CreateReplica_management call to work. It produces an error:
arcgisscripting.ExecuteError: ERROR 000582: Error occurred during execution.
Failed to execute (CreateReplica)

The code being used is below. Any help here would be much appreciate by this newbie python person...

import arcpy
from arcpy import env
import arcgisscripting

env.workspace = "C:\Documents and Settings\longs\Application Data\ESRI\Desktop10.0\ArcCatalog\SpatialVegMgmt_NT38.sde.DEFAULT"

tableset = "Actions, BioAgents, Density, Directions, Inspectors, MethodContacted, ROW, Units, weedFollowups, Weeds, WeedTypeRelate, WeedTypes, VegetationMgmt.GIS_SDE.weedIncidents"
replica_type = "CHECK_OUT"
output_workspace = "c:\usr_proj\ArcGIS\FileGeodatabases\Weed\Mark\WeedIncidents_FileGDB.gdb"
replica_name = "MarkReplica"
access_type = "FULL"
initial_sender = "PARENT_DATA_SENDER"
expand = "USE_DEFAULTS"
reuse_schema = "DO_NOT_REUSE"
get_related = "GET_RELATED"

arcpy.MakeTableView_management("Database Connections\SpatialVegMgmt_NT38.sde\VegetationMgmt.owner.Actions", "Actions", "AID > 0")
arcpy.MakeTableView_management("Database Connections\SpatialVegMgmt_NT38.sde\VegetationMgmt.owner.WEEDFOLLOWUPS", "WEEDFOLLOWUPS", "ObjectID > 0")
arcpy.MakeTableView_management("Database Connections\SpatialVegMgmt_NT38.sde\VegetationMgmt.owner.Density", "Density", "DID > 0")
arcpy.MakeTableView_management("Database Connections\SpatialVegMgmt_NT38.sde\VegetationMgmt.owner.Directions", "Directions", "GDID > 0")
arcpy.MakeTableView_management("Database Connections\SpatialVegMgmt_NT38.sde\VegetationMgmt.owner.Inspectors", "Inspectors", "IID > 0")
arcpy.MakeTableView_management("Database Connections\SpatialVegMgmt_NT38.sde\VegetationMgmt.owner.MethodContacted", "MethodContacted", "MCID > 0")
arcpy.MakeTableView_management("Database Connections\SpatialVegMgmt_NT38.sde\VegetationMgmt.owner.ROW", "ROW", "ROWID > 0")
arcpy.MakeTableView_management("Database Connections\SpatialVegMgmt_NT38.sde\VegetationMgmt.owner.Units", "Units", "UID > 0")
arcpy.MakeTableView_management("Database Connections\SpatialVegMgmt_NT38.sde\VegetationMgmt.owner.Weeds", "Weeds", "WID > 0")
arcpy.MakeTableView_management("Database Connections\SpatialVegMgmt_NT38.sde\VegetationMgmt.owner.WeedTypeRelate", "WeedTypeRelate", "ObjectID > 0")
arcpy.MakeTableView_management("Database Connections\SpatialVegMgmt_NT38.sde\VegetationMgmt.owner.WeedTypes", "WeedTypes", "WTID > 0")
arcpy.MakeTableView_management("Database Connections\SpatialVegMgmt_NT38.sde\VegetationMgmt.owner.BioAgents", "BioAgents", "BAID > 0")

# Execute CreateReplica
arcpy.CreateReplica_management(tableset, replica_type, output_workspace, replica_name, access_type, initial_sender, expand, reuse_schema, get_related)

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13 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor
Hi Steve,

Are you running Windows 7 64-bit?  I found a bug regarding this:

NIM073906:  Cannot run Create Replica as a script on a Windows 7 64-bit machine.

One workaround that may help is running the python syntax of the script through the Python window within ArcMap.  Running the 'Create Replica' through the Python window or within model builder should not fail.  I would also recommend contacting Tech Support to add your customer information to this bug number.
0 Kudos
New Contributor III
Hi Jake,
thanks for your reply. No, my machine is an XP, sp3 machine.
Does this bug still apply and should I still contact Tech Support?
We need to automate this in AcrGIS in an overnight process so it kind of has to work from a script.

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Esri Esteemed Contributor
The bug doesn't state that it will fail for Windows XP SP3.  I would try the following:

1.  Add the 'Create Replica' tool to a Model Builder and run the model and see if it succeeds
2.  If the model succeeds, delete the replica from both databases, and delete the feature class from the Child Geodatabase
3.  Export the model to a script (inside Model Builder:  Model > Export > To Python Script)
4.  Attempt to execute the script

If the script fails, I would recommend contacting Tech Support.
0 Kudos
New Contributor III
Thanks Jake,
that helped a lot. My table list wasn't separated the way that model builder separated it.
the table list needed to be as follows:
tableset = "Database Connections\SpatialVegMgmt_NT38.sde\VegetationMgmt.owner.weedIncidents;Actions;BioAgents;Density;Directions;Inspectors;MethodContacted;ROW;Units;weedFollowups;Weeds;WeedTypeRelate;WeedTypes;FollowUpActivities"
0 Kudos
New Contributor III

Are you running Windows 7 64-bit?  I found a bug regarding this:

NIM073906:  Cannot run Create Replica as a script on a Windows 7 64-bit machine.

I am experiencing this issue on a Windows 7 64-bit machine. As this bug was found in version 10.0 SP2 and I am running version 10.2, any idea when this bug will be fixed? I have 45 geodatabases to create replicas for and doing it outside of a script (manually through ArcToolbox or ArcMap, which works) is not really an option.

0 Kudos
New Contributor III
I am experiencing this issue on a Windows 7 64-bit machine. As this bug was found in version 10.0 SP2 and I am running version 10.2, any idea when this bug will be fixed? I have 45 geodatabases to create replicas for and doing it outside of a script (manually through ArcToolbox or ArcMap, which works) is not really an option.


You will have to use python 32 bit to make this happen. I assume you are creating personal geodatabases, MS Access, right?
If you test this on the machine you are going to run against, from the command line, it should work (if you have ArcGIS desktop installed also).

C:\Python27\ArcGIS10.1\python.exe "locationAndNameOfYourScript" ArgumentsForYourScript
C:\Python27\ArcGIS10.1\python.exe \\oly\gisshare\Projects\con\Depts\19864\WeedTools\scripts10_1\production\ -s SQLGIS1 -x rep

Hope this helps,
0 Kudos
Esri Esteemed Contributor
I am experiencing this issue on a Windows 7 64-bit machine. As this bug was found in version 10.0 SP2 and I am running version 10.2, any idea when this bug will be fixed? I have 45 geodatabases to create replicas for and doing it outside of a script (manually through ArcToolbox or ArcMap, which works) is not really an option.


I could not reproduce this at 10.2.2.  I successfully created a one-way replica from a SQL Server enterprise geodatabase to a File Geodatabase using a script.
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New Contributor III

I am still having trouble with this. I am using:

ArcGIS 10.2.2 with Python 2.7 (installed through ArcGIS)

Windows 7 64-bit machine

SQL Server Express 2012 (Workgroup SDE, NOT Enterprise)

Pythonwin site-package for Python 2.7

I am using the 32-bit Python interpreter:

PythonWin 2.7.5 (default, May 15 2013, 22:43:36) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32.

Below is the Traceback from the arcpy.CreateReplica_management line in my script:

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "C:\WorkSpace\tools\scripts\CreateTNF1WayReplica\", line 157, in makeReplica

    arcpy.CreateReplica_management(featureList, "ONE_WAY_REPLICA", outGDB, replicaName, "FULL", "PARENT_DATA_SENDER", "ALL_ROWS", "", "", "", "DO_NOT_USE_ARCHIVING")

  File "C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Desktop10.2\arcpy\arcpy\", line 803, in CreateReplica

    raise e

ExecuteError: ERROR 000582: Error occurred during execution.

So I stepped through in the debugger and stepped into the script and also into the from there. Here is the point that the error occurs:

  Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Desktop10.2\arcpy\arcpy\", line 800, in CreateReplica

    retval = convertArcObjectToPythonObject(gp.CreateReplica_management(*gp_fixargs((in_data, in_type, out_geodatabase, out_name, access_type, initial_data_sender, expand_feature_classes_and_tables, reuse_schema, get_related_data, geometry_features, archiving), True)))

  File "C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Desktop10.2\arcpy\arcpy\geoprocessing\", line 498, in <lambda>

    return lambda *args: val(*gp_fixargs(args, True))

ExecuteError: ERROR 000582: Error occurred during execution.

I stepped through the gp_fixargs and at line 40 of, my args turned into new_args as follows:

['"C:\\WorkSpace\\temp\\CreateReplicas\\inputs\\Activities.sde\\Activities.DBO.Activities\\Activities.DBO.ProjectArea;C:\\WorkSpace\\temp\\CreateReplicas\\inputs\\Activities.sde\\Activities.DBO.Activities\\Activities.DBO.TMCompartment;C:\\WorkSpace\\temp\\CreateReplicas\\inputs\\Activities.sde\\Activities.DBO.Activities\\Activities.DBO.ActivityPoint;C:\\WorkSpace\\temp\\CreateReplicas\\inputs\\Activities.sde\\Activities.DBO.Activities\\Activities.DBO.CoverType;C:\\WorkSpace\\temp\\CreateReplicas\\inputs\\Activities.sde\\Activities.DBO.Activities\\Activities.DBO.ValueComparisonUnit;C:\\WorkSpace\\temp\\CreateReplicas\\inputs\\Activities.sde\\Activities.DBO.Activities\\Activities.DBO.ActivityPolygon;C:\\WorkSpace\\temp\\CreateReplicas\\inputs\\Activities.sde\\Activities.DBO.Activities\\Activities.DBO.ActivityLine;C:\\WorkSpace\\temp\\CreateReplicas\\inputs\\Activities.sde\\Activities.DBO.Activities\\Activities.DBO.CoverType_Topology;C:\\WorkSpace\\temp\\CreateReplicas\\inputs\\Activities.sde\\Activities.DBO.Activities\\Activities.DBO.VCU_TMComp_Topology"', 'ONE_WAY_REPLICA', '\\\\\\TNFRef\\GISData\\Activities.gdb', 'Activities_1WayRO2NAS', 'FULL', 'PARENT_DATA_SENDER', 'ALL_ROWS', '', '', '', 'DO_NOT_USE_ARCHIVING']

Every once in a while I can get this to work but can't find rhyme or reason as to why it works every once in a while. I have tried the output file geodatabase location on my C: drive ('C:\\WorkSpace\\temp\\CreateReplicas\\outputs\\gdbs\\Activities.gdb'), on the external share mapped as UNC path (as above: '\\\\\\TNFRef\\GISData\\Activities.gdb'), and mapped as a drive letter ('Y:\\GISData\\Activities.gdb'), all with the same results (Error 00582).

[The IP address has been changed to 0s on purpose for posting here, it is the real IP address in the script.]

Attached is the code block from my script, with inputs being:

parentGDS = Database connection .sde file on C: drive that points to our Workgroup SDE instance for the database in the list of databases (in this case, "Activities")

GDBPath = the output location for the file GDB to be stored. I have tried local C: drive and our NAS drive as UNC and mapped as a drive letter

gdbName = the name of the database in the list. In this case "Activities"

If the output geodatabase (in this case Activities.gdb) does not exist, it is created before getting to the create replica part, using:

if not arcpy.Exists(outGDBPath + os.sep + gdbName):


I tried running it in ArcMap, using the Create Replica tool in Toolbox and got the following:

Executing: CreateReplica Activities.DBO.CoverType_Topology;Activities.DBO.VCU_TMComp_Topology;ActivityPoint;ActivityLine;ProjectArea;Activities.DBO.TMCompartment;CoverType;Activities.DBO.ValueComparisonUnit;ActivityPolygon ONE_WAY_REPLICA C:\WorkSpace\temp\CreateReplicas\outputs\gdbs\Activities.gdb ArcMapToolboxTest FULL PARENT_DATA_SENDER ALL_ROWS DO_NOT_REUSE GET_RELATED # DO_NOT_USE_ARCHIVING

Start Time: Wed Oct 28 15:12:27 2015

Executing CreateReplica...

ERROR 000582: Error occurred during execution.

Failed to execute (CreateReplica).

Is there any way to tell which input parameter is causing the error? Could this still be a bug in the GP tool? I'm about to go to ArcObjects and write a C#.NET executable to do the replica creation like I used to before I thought Bug NIM-073906 was fixed (

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

The Create Replica tool has more usage footnotes, possibly the most, that I have seen for a tool.  Some of the usage notes get into the weeds, e.g., "data that you wish to replicate must be versioned, but not with the option to move edits to base."  Given there are 16 notes and sub-notes, it never hurts to go back and double check them all.

Beyond verifying all of the conditions to run the tool have been met, the specific error (000582) can crop up when the validation process for a tool's parameter values fails.  Let's look at one of your calls to the tool:

#include parameter names and requirement status as comments
arcpy.CreateReplica_management(featureList,            # in_data (required)
                              "ONE_WAY_REPLICA",       # in_type (required)
                              outGDB,                  # out_geodatabase (required)
                              replicaName,             # out_name (required)
                              "FULL",                  # access_type (optional)
                              "PARENT_DATA_SENDER",    # initial_data_sender (optional)
                              "ALL_ROWS",              # expand_feature_classes_and_tables (opt)
                              "",                      # reuse_schema (optional)
                              "",                      # get_related_data (optional)
                              "",                      # geometry_features (optional)
                              "DO_NOT_USE_ARCHIVING")  # archiving (optional ?)

While most geoprocessing tools include the default argument for optional parameters in the syntax table, the Create Replica documentation only provides that information for half of the optional parameters, which is not only unfortunate but a documentation bug in my eyes.  What is even more odd, and another documentation bug, is that archiving isn't stated to be optional but yet it is at the end of the parameter list (required parameters can't come after optional ones) and a default argument is stated.

Getting back to the example at hand, I strongly discourage passing empty strings to optional parameters.  Unless the default argument is an empty string or the documentation states empty strings are handled in a special way, passing an empty string will lead to the code/tool to bypass the default argument and use the empty string instead.  It could very well be that passing "" to reuse_schema is causing the issue because the two arguments that parameter accepts are "DO_NOT_REUSE" and "REUSE" .  Since it looks like you want defaults for the last 4 parameters, what is the result of trying the following:

#include parameter names and requirement status as comments
arcpy.CreateReplica_management(featureList,            # in_data (required)
                              "ONE_WAY_REPLICA",       # in_type (required)
                              outGDB,                  # out_geodatabase (required)
                              replicaName,             # out_name (required)
                              "FULL",                  # access_type (optional)
                              "PARENT_DATA_SENDER",    # initial_data_sender (optional)
                              "ALL_ROWS")              # expand_feature_classes_and_tables (opt)
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