extend line to feature. programmatically.

07-12-2013 12:10 PM
New Contributor
Thanks in advance for any help. I'm trying to programmatically extend hundreds of lines to a single polyline feature. Sometimes the lines intersect each other, but I'd like the lines to extend, not to other existing lines, but to the polyline feature mentioned before. Even if i select 1 line and the polyline feature, the 1 line is stopped at the other unselected lines. ~ arcpy.ExtendLine_edit(lines, "2000 Meters", "FEATURE")

I can accomplish the process manually in edit mode by selecting the feature, clicking the extend line tool in the advanced editor toolbox, then clicking the line that needs extending. Is there a way to do this part of the selection in python?

Thanks so much for any help. Meghan

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Regular Contributor III
How about just extending all the lines by a large distance (larger than your max extention) using the ExtendLine tool, and then clip the extended lines to a polygon version of your polyline layer (a shoreline from the looks of it)?
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