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smoothing a dem with a 3x3 kernel window

11-26-2012 12:41 AM
New Contributor
Hello to everyone ,

sorry if i may sound so basic but the truth is that i just started python scripting . my question is that , i have a dem and 3x3 kernel window. i want to use the weight to smooth the dem. I have seen a tutorial using gdal. but i believe with numpy and arcpy , i should
be able to smooth the dem without the gdal approach.
I would be grateful if you can assist me.:o
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2 Replies
Occasional Contributor III
You don't need to code this in Python.
Customized irregular kernel (applied as a text file) should be enough.
Here's how can those file look like:
3 3
0.25 0.5 0.25
0.5 1.0 0.5
0.25 0.5 0.25

Look How Focal Statistics works topic for more explanation.
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New Contributor
Dear m.gasior,
thank you for your recomendation. however , i have gone through the link very well several times ,it continuously give me failure. i wrote my weight  and saved it as text file as it was instructed . but unfortunately , the result is failure. do you have any recomendation for me from your experiance. thank you
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