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RCE -- how to configure the extent for esri World Imagery basemap

04-01-2021 09:52 AM
New Contributor III

I have configured RCE basemap layers in the sample webmap.json file. The layers include my local state-level custom basemap service and the esri World Imagery layer. Both load in the RCE map, but the view defaults to the world-wide extent of the esri imagery when the map opens. How can I configure the extent to zoom to my state-level view when the map first loads? I have attempted a few things in the map.js file but no luck so far. Also, I have tried configuring the map with the correct zoom level in Portal first, and then copying the json over to a new custom webmap.json file, but it does not retain the extent I set in the Portal map. Thanks very much for any suggestions.

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3 Replies
Esri Contributor

Hello Elizabeth,

It sounds like you've chosen to author your Event Editor webmap using a local file on the web server where the app is deployed. May I ask what version of Roads and Highways you are using? It also sounds like you have portal running so I might also ask whether there is any specific business reason to use the local webmap as opposed to simply authoring your webmaps on portal?

Outside of those questions, the LRS service you are using for webmap configuration usually defaults to the zoom scale the MXD you published from was set to. You might want to check on that MXD. Additionally, do you have any feature layers in your map without a spatial extent set? Sometime empty event layers can cause this if you set the initial extent to the full map extent:


You've likely already found our resource document for this topic but I'm adding it to this thread just in case. Authoring Webmaps for Event Editor

Incidentally, extent (among other things) in Event Editor can also be controlled via URL parameters.

And finally, our resource document on smart launching Event Editor through URL parameters: 

Hope that gives you a good starting point to resolve your extent issue.

Esri Transportation LRS Team


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New Contributor III

Hi Amit,

I was able to solve the problem. Even though I could not add a web map to the Editor through the portal interface, I was able to simply add the item id to the config.json file and the extent problems were corrected. It is interesting that adding the json for the exact same webmap as a local webmap has a different result and will not preserve the extent of the portal map. Thanks again for your help.

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New Contributor III

Hi Amit,

Thanks for your reply. The Event Editor is version 10.7.1. A problem seems to be that although the editor item is registered on the portal and can be launched from the portal item by clicking the "View Application" button, there is no GUI edit button or any other option for adding a map to the application through the portal tools. When the application launches, the "Basemap" gallery dropdown is empty. Also, clicking the "Web Map" button on the left side of the ribbon does show existing folders that have been created on portal but it will not show any web maps that have been created within those folders. This may answer your question as to why we have used the method of adding local webmaps to the webmap.json file. Can you offer a suggestion as to why we do not seem to have a full connection to the portal interface with the application? In the config.json we have supplied the portalUrl and the portalAppId. By the way, our LRS service and LRS functionality works fine. We have our own LRS service as well as our own basemap service. However the local basemap service does not supply imagery, so we also include the esri world imagery service as a second basemap layer. Although the coordinate systems of the imagery service and our local services are different, they overlay with no problems. The only user issue is the annoying need to zoom into the state level from the whole world imagery view every time the app opens.


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