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Strange Behavior in Reassign Route following 10.7.1 Patch 2 Update

11-10-2021 01:10 PM
Labels (1)
New Contributor III

Greetings from Oklahoma! Is anyone updated to RH 10.7.1 Patch 2 seeing any weird issues with the Reassign Route Tool where the Route will flip after the Reassign? We have had several routes recently where we try to Reassign the end of the route for some extent and after we run the Reassign tool the new route will be flipped the other direction from the way it was originally.

Any thoughts?

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1 Reply
Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Sam,

I don't think we've seen that one before.  Would you be able to open a case with Esri Support so they can reproduce?

ArcGIS Roads and Highways team

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