Map Displaying Averages per Zip.

01-30-2014 09:00 AM
New Contributor III
Hi I have a spreadsheet in excel that I have been working on that I need to represent in ArcMap.

I have computed averages via a pivot table per CA zip codes for premiums, total annual premiums and percent difference premiums (some percent difference being negative values).

I don't really have a way to display x y data from this table directly because it only includes zip but somehow need to create a map showing these three averages per zip code for California.

I have a zipareas feature class in my map but am unsure how to join this zipareas feature class to my excel table that displays the averages by zip so that I can represent these averages on the map. I tried the overlay union tool but my excel table is not an input feature option.

Any suggestions?


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8 Replies
MVP Honored Contributor
1.) Bring Excel spreadsheet and Zip feature class into ArcMap
2.) Join the spreadsheet to the feature class based on the zip code attribute that should be in both tables
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New Contributor III
I did this but when I joined the excel table with the ZIPAREAS feature class the averages displayed are <null> and do not populate as they do in the excel table. Do you know why this is?
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New Contributor III
I was able to successfully join my excel table to my zip areas feature class. Now, if I need to display the average values for coverage premium amount, total annual premium and percent different premium per zip code how do I make these into three different layers on the map when they are all included in one attribute table?
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MVP Honored Contributor
1.) Copy layer (in table of contents)
2.) Paste layer (in table of contents)
3.) Symbolize copies as needed
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New Contributor III
Thank you I will try this out. I am also trying to display the percent different in permiums on a lat/long level across california. I have a seperate sheet in my excel table that has OBJECTID (numbered 1-72,425), LAT, LONG and the PCTDIFFPREM. When I go to display xy data it is not projecting correctly over the state of california layer. X field: long, Y field: lat. I get the below message even though I have an objectID column in my table. How do I fix this?
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New Contributor III
I am joining my excel table with my zipareas feature class and when I go to symbology > quantities > graduated colors not all field values in the attribute table populate. only one populates. Does anyone know how to fix this? When I go to
symbology >categories>unique values all the fields populate as an option to use.
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New Contributor III
I am trying to join my excel table of averages by zip to my california feature class of zip code areas. When I select ZIP to base the join off of in the zip areas feature class the excel sheet options to base the join off of goes blank. There are definitely overlapping zips so I don't see why it won't recognize this. Does anyone know what I could be doing wrong?
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MVP Honored Contributor
It sounds like you're having trouble with data types.

1.) Quantity symbology is only available to numeric data types
2.) When you set up a Join, you can only match fields of the same (or similar) data type. "The name of the field does not have to be the same, but the data type has to be the same; you join numbers to numbers, strings to strings, and so on."
3.) Even though your zip codes might look like numbers, they may be stored as text. Check the data type in the field properties. If needed, change the data type in Excel, or make a new field in ArcGIS and calculate the desired values into it.
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