Register for the Webinar - ArcGIS Solutions for Recruitment, Retention, and Reactivation

08-14-2019 11:36 AM
Esri Contributor

Environmental and Natural Resources Webinar Series - ArcGIS Solutions for Recruitment, Retention, and Reactivation

Thursday, August 29 11am-noon PDT

Register now!


We are excited to announce the next webinar in the Environmental and Natural Resources Webinar Series, ArcGIS Solutions for Recruitment, Retention and Reactivation. 


As natural resource agencies continue to be challenged with decreased participation in outdoor recreational activities, Esri has developed solutions to enable recreation coordinators to enhance their recruitment, retention, and reactivation (R3) efforts. These ArcGIS solutions provide the maps and apps you need to promote outdoor recreation, visualize license trends, and strengthen outreach efforts.


This webinar will demonstrate how these ArcGIS solutions enable you to

  • Manage and aggregate foundational data from permitting systems to generate critical license statistics.
  • Visualize license trends spatially in a dashboard to devise R3 outreach strategies.
  • Author applications for the public to locate recreational opportunities.


We are also very excited to have Katie Yates from the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife present with us during this webinar. She will demonstrate how they have implemented the solutions and how this implementation will help with visualizing and understanding their license data, which is key for any state moving forward with R3 initiatives. She foresees it having a big impact on how they understand and communicate with our license buyers.

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