How to divide irregular polygon into equal areas using ArcGIS 10.5

06-11-2018 07:46 AM
New Contributor

I am seeking to divide this 200 acre polygon into 5 polygons of 40 acres. I have yet to find a concrete solution to this task by searching this forum. Is there a pragmatic tool in existences that can help accomplish this task? 

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Esri Esteemed Contributor

Based on the script mentioned before I created something.

It simply moves a vertical lines from left to right and starts to cut the polygon until a polygon is found that is within the tolerance.

See code below:

def main():
    # based on:
    # author:
    import arcpy

    # path to input and output featurecladss
    fc_in = r'C:\GeoNet\SplitPolygon\Surface Mining Plan.shp'
    fc_out = r'C:\GeoNet\SplitPolygon\datos.gdb\split_polygons06'

    # number of splits
    splits = 5

    # get first (only) polygon and extent
    polygon = arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc_in, ('SHAPE@')).next()[0]
    extent = polygon.extent
    sr = polygon.spatialReference

    # start creating vertical lines and cut polygon
    stepsize = 0.2
    total_area = polygon.area
    tolerance = total_area * 0.0001
    split_polygons = []
    d = extent.XMin + stepsize
    work_pol = polygon
    i = 0
    while d < extent.XMax:
        i += 1
        if i % 100 == 0:
            print "step: {}".format(i)
        percentage = (d - extent.XMin) / (extent.width) * 100.0
        vertical_line = CreateVerticalLine(d, extent, sr)
        left_pol, right_pol = CutPolygon(work_pol, vertical_line)
        if not left_pol is None and not right_pol is None:
            if abs(left_pol.area - total_area / splits) < tolerance:
                work_pol = right_pol
        d += stepsize
        if len(split_polygons) == splits - 1:

    arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(split_polygons, fc_out)

def CreateVerticalLine(d, extent, sr):
    pnt1 = arcpy.Point(d, extent.YMin - 1)
    pnt2 = arcpy.Point(d, extent.YMax + 1)
    polyline = arcpy.Polyline(arcpy.Array([pnt1, pnt2]), sr)
    return polyline

def CutPolygon(polygon, polyline):
        polygons = polygon.cut(polyline)
        return polygons[0], polygons[1]
    except Exception as e:
        return None, None

if __name__ == '__main__':

This results in:

... including a multipart polygon (in green)

Esri Contributor

ArcGIS Pro has now this tool that can subdivide polygons:

Subdivide Polygon—Data Management toolbox | ArcGIS Desktop