Road segment measurments into attribute table...

05-30-2012 07:39 AM
New Contributor
I am working with a county GIS road map that contains roads that have been cut into segments using topology of boundaries and other road crossings. 

My question is:  Can I make an automated process that will measure the road segments in the roads layer and place the updated values into a field in the attribute table?

The original map had a 'miles' field in the table but when you split a road the original data is duplicated for both fields.  I need to be able to update this data with every split made.  Thanks for any input and if you are including python script or something please tell me how to use it as I dont have much experience with script.


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When you have the data in geodatabase, there's Shape_Length field where feature length is automatically calculated in data projection units.
Isn't it enough? Or I missed something?
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