Buffer Widget 1.0 05/16/2018

05-16-2018 04:46 AM
Labels (1)

Buffer Widget 1.0 05/16/2018

Hi all,


Just developed a Buffer Widget (WAB 2.8) using Turf.js


Visit my Github for more information


Live Demo

I build Esri widgets without any -economic- interest, if you find it useful for your projects, you can buy me a coffee  


Don't hesitate to contact me if you need some custom developments: biotekgis@gmail.com


Labels (1)

How do you add it to the WAB, specifically, I'm having problem adding turf

First of all, hi.

You have several ways to link a third party library to a WAB app. You can directly link the cdn to the index.html or add it in your main js widget file in the require section (think whether you want to set the library globally or locally in a widget). Now, the correct way using Dojo: go to init.js file, 'resources' var, and add the following: window.path + 'libs/turf/turf.min.js'. In my case I downloaded Turf.js. That's up to you.


Version history
Last update:
‎05-16-2018 04:46 AM
Updated by: