Enhanced Search Widget Version 2.23.1 - 11/22/22

07-14-2014 03:57 PM
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Enhanced Search Widget Version 2.23.1 - 11/22/22

Live Preview Site

Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS | Help - Enhanced Search widget


List of the latest enhancements and changes:

  1. Fixed issue with Spatial Relationship settings

Older enhancements or changes

Check the "Older enhancements or changes.txt" in the download for a complete list.


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Do you have to download the application to your local server? Can you do it directly on ArcGIS Online? I would assume not.

Thanks again


   Custom widgets are only supported using Web AppBuilder Developer version neither on permise Portal or AGOL support custom widgets.

Hi Steve,

Here is a step-by-step tutorial that will walk you through the whole process.


Brian O'keefe​,

   Are you not presented with the Identify Manager login dialog when you put that secured url in the eSearch layer dialog? When I test in WAB Dev and add a secure layer url I am presented with the login and when I provide my credentials the layer is added fine. The proxy will be used once the app is deployed (I.e. you are not running it in WAB Dev).

Really it's a great work. thank you guys for making our lives much easier.

I have a question: I have a field that is bound to a domain, and looks like the domain value has a trailing space at its end, like "Existing ", and the problem is when searching by an expression that uses this field it seems that it searches for the trimmed value "Existing" rather than "Existing " which gives no results.
Appreciate your support


   Well that is extremely unusual to have a field name with a trailing space that is why I have code in the widget to trim field names to prevent someone from manually configuring a field and accidentally adding a trailing space. Can you not modify your data as you schema of having a trailing space it very unusual?

Yeah I think that's what I'm going to do thanks for your prompt reply

Is it possible to have a checkbox functionality with the widget? I have a field with True/False (1/0) values and using the dropdown "Unique values" or "Predefined values" functionality does not seems to be the best... Thank you in advance!


   I will look into this for a future release.

Hi Robert,

Any chance you could add a word wrap control into the results display. Currently you need to use the scroll arrow. It would make the results display more user friendly.




   it is a simple css change that you can do in the widgets style.css file find this rule:

.search-list-item {

  line-height: 30px;

  font-size: 12px;

  white-space: pre;

  position: relative;


and remove or comment out the white-space: pre;


Thanks for the prompt reply, I'll give it ago.

Thank you Robert, appreciate it!

I have a layer that I do not want turned on when the map starts.  However, I want to be able to search this layer.  It's a bit confusing because if you search by this layer and it isn't turned on then the search highlights that feature, but the layer isn't turned on. 

Is there a way to turn on a layer on by default when you search by that layer?

Robert, great work on this and all your widgets!

I am trying to tweak a departed co-worker's web app that uses the Enhanced Search widget. I am new to this and am trying to figure out if there is a way to make the drop-down for the field values a multiselect? If not, I guess we could use the Add to Selection query option instead? Thanks for your help!


   The eSearch does not need the layer to be visible or even added to the map at all. The way the eSearch works is it uses a QueryTask and get the results and their geometry to add as a new layer to the map.


   No there is not an option to enable multi select. That is an interesting idea though. I will look into that for a future release.


i may have found a bug

i built a query with a date range and a variable.

like this

date between value1 and value2


item 'no greater than' .2

i am getting no results and a box saying search failed !

if i build the query with just the date or just the item it works fine.


   The following expression worked fine for me and produces results...


i am glad it works for you.

i wonder what could be causing it to fail.

is it possible it is timing out? is there a way to extend the time.


   Have you tested just trying to plug the SQL string in to your rest service endpoint to see if you can get it working there?


we have a problem with settings of the Enhanced Search Widget. We want to change the settings, but the change is not saved. More in the video:

WAB version 1.2

Enhanced Search Widget Version

Thanks for solution.



   You are skipping to many fields that need to be filled out in the configuration GUI. To Add a search layer at a minimum you need:

  • Search URL
  • Title
  • Included fields
  • Search Expression

For the Search Expression you need:

  • Expression Alias
  • Search Label
  • Add a Expression Value(s)

For the Add Expression Value you need:

  • If using the default Value option you need to enter a value to be searched for in the textbox
  • if checking the Ask for Values then you need to provide a some text in the Hint textbox

I guess you did not see the help documentation on configuring the widget.

Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS | Help - Enhanced Search widget

Dear all,

This widget looks very useful and powerful! I tried to use it in an app that I am creating but I get an error "search failed" when I use the option 'By shape' and I draw a shape (in my case a point with buffer or a circle). I've tried to look among all the messages here in order to find a solution but I don't get it.

I also tried the demo version ​and I also get the "search failed" message, but at least I can see the circle drawn.

Any advice or suggestion?




   I was having a problem with my Proxy on my preview site. It is now fixed though. Try the preview site again. Because buffering can produce large server requests they need to use POST and thus a proxy is required.


now I am able to use the preview demo and look how it works. thanks. I followed the instructions here detailed http://www.tapasdas.com/WABv2.pdf  on how to set up a proxy but I still get the same message search failed. any indication?


   What does your browsers web console say the error is?

Hi Arnau,

I had to do 4 things to get it working.

1. Use the latest version of Chrome


Clear the browser cache.

In Chrome, this is <Shift><Ctrl><Del>


Replace the default Geometry Service in config.json with your own.

The default Geometry Service is:



Make sure the proxy redirection is actually working.

For example, when I enter:


It returns the listing of the services in JSON format like so:


"currentVersion": 10.3,

"folders": [










"services": [


  "name": "ESRI_Imagery_World_2D",

  "type": "MapServer"



  "name": "ESRI_StreetMap_World_2D",

  "type": "MapServer"


Does your proxy return this listing?

Hi Robert,

Can you please resolve the "Title" name located under the "Search URL" from defaulting back to its original name each time you go in and make any changes to the widgets config. Not urgent just annoying.




thanks for your response. I have one more question. Can I change field Title or this field must be named by default. Because I can change this field and save it but this field is changed to default in next editing of Search Layer.

Thanks you.



   If you are talking about the field alias the you just have to double click the alias name in the table to enable editing it. If you are talking about the title field the radio button in the fields table, I just tested and it does change to what you set it to and will remain there as long as you save your changes. Let me know if I am not understanding your question.

Hi Robert Scheitlin, GISP

I am using the following setup and getting the error "create widget error widgets/eSearch/Widget" when trying to open the Enhanced Search Widget:

Enhanced Search Widget v

Developer WAB version 1.2 - Locally

Why am I getting this code?


Below is what the console says in Google Chrome:


I am very new to this WAB stuff, but need to get it working. I've been following Tapas Das's instructions for setup because it was the only 'how-to' I could find and it is very helpful.


   I don't see anything in that error log that points to the eSearch. Have you tried removing eSearch from your app to see if it still have the error?

Anonymous User

Jordan Behunin​ do you have ESRI support?  If you do, I think the quickest thing for you would be to just call them and ask to talk to someone on the WebApp Builder Team. (they have one for WAB now)  They can do a Screen share to see your screen and even take control of it. If you have never called in... they are excellent. Worth every penny. Ask to speak to Sakshi if you can. She is highly skilled on JS API and WAB.  I don't know how new you are to JS and dev in general or to WAB but if you are new to them all...they'll point you in the right direction(s).

Per your recommendation I just did. It doesn't give me the error when using any of the other widgets. As Kevin mentioned in the next post, it may be good to hop on tech support.

Make sure that you remove the eSearch and still have this error though. Tech support will not assist if there is mention or use of custom widgets.


   So if the error went away when you remove the eSearch then that points to a issue in your eSearch configuration/installation. Can you detail how you added the eSearch to your app?

Anonymous User

Ah, Robert is right.. they are often reluctant to get in to custom coding, of course. But I did not know if Jordan was new to web dev or the API in general. If that is the case, Custom WAB is several layers deeper in the onion (yes a Shrek reference). I'll sit back down now in class... I just wanted to put in a plug for esri Tech Support, they were helpful when I was just beginning learning Javascript and the API.  And I imagine the WAB team would not mind helping users to learn how to add a new widget, whether custom or ESRI, just to cover the basics.  

Per Tapas Das's instructions. Simplified explanation - downloaded your app from this forum, extracted and added it to my C:\WAB\client\stemapp\widgets\eSearch, registered my app with online, started WAB locally with 'startup.bat' and gave Online my credentials,  created the map, added the eSearch widget and configured it to search.

I think I'm going to redownload the eSearch and readd and configure the widget again.


   That would be my recommendation, as your steps for adding the widget look good. Also test by starting a new App in Web AppBuilder as well.

Robert Scheitlin, GISP

I have a few more questions for you and I apologize if they've been covered before.

1) Is there an option in the config to set a maximum buffer distance?  I don't know that we need a max distance, but I'm curious to know if than can be set.

2) When buffering a graphic is it possible to leave visible the graphic around which the buffer was created?  For example, in the image below the blue is a 50' buffer around the point I selected.  I would like to have that original point (or any other graphic I draw) remain visible.  Is that an option?

3) Your Identify widget has the option to "Remove Result" from the Results tab ().  Is it possible to have that in eSearch too?  I know you have the option available on the "By Value" tab, but I'm wondering if it is possible to have available on the "Results" tab.

I am sure I'll have more questions for this widget and your other widgets down the road.  We currently are using the eSearch, Identify, eLocate widgets and may add the eBasemap Gallery widget to our application soon.  Our users find all of them extremely helpful and easy to use.  I would also like to send a big "thanks" again for all of your work and time helping the rest of us.


  1. No there is currently no option for this, but I like the idea and will add it to the enhancements list.
  2. Not sure I like the idea of leaving the drawn graphic on the map. That would clutter the map with the drawn graphic, the buffer graphic, and the results graphic...
  3. I had though about adding this before and likely will for the next release.


1) Thanks for looking into that.

2) I understand what you mean.  If it's something that could be worked in later (I don't know much more code that requires, let alone what changes would have to be made to the UI) but that option might be useful.

3) Sounds great.  Thank you.


for sure I made video below, which describes this property ("this problem"):


the combination of date range and value still is failing for me.

i just tryed this sql in the rest and it returned values.

however if i run it in the esearch i get the 'search failed' message box.

i have pasted in an image of what i see with the F12 key in IE.

cl2 < .2 and UTC_DATE between timestamp '2015-11-01 00:00:00' and timestamp '2015-12-03 00:00:00'


   Normally the console show the SQL string that eSearch submitted to the Server. Can you show me that?

thanks for the hint

i looked and the AND was missing.

not sure how i missed this when i built the query.

i have fixed it and all is working

thanks for your guidance.!!

Ok so what am I doing wrong. I downloaded the esearch zip file from the link on the main part, unzipped it and placed it with the other widgets.  I do not get the newer functionality.  I do not get the clear on the "By Value" nor do I get any options to configure a layer symbology.  Suggestions?


   If you are adding the new version to an existing app then you have to place the new eSearch folder in that apps widgets folder and not the stemapps widgets folder

I added the new version to the web app builder developer at the in stemapps widget folder level.  I have not attempted to update an existing app yet. I was just going to make a new app for a new project, and say that I do not get that functionality.

Version history
Last update:
‎11-22-2022 07:31 AM
Updated by: