Add eSearch Widget for WAB

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10-11-2016 04:36 AM
New Contributor

Hi Robert .
I am trying to add your eSearch custom widget to the Developer Edition of the Web AppBuilder 2.1 .
Whenever I run the eSearch Widget, I can't add a search layer .It is blocked .

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32 Replies
New Contributor

I'm so sorry but i put the esearch 2.1.2 in the apps directory but the same error . 

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MVP Emeritus


Can you check your browsers web console to see if there is a different error now?

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New Contributor

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New Contributor

Hi Robert , 

I am trying another time to download  Web AppBuilder 2.1 and add your eSearch custom widget .Whenever I get the same mistake .

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New Contributor

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MVP Emeritus


   That part that is hard for me to understand is that in version 2.1.2 of the eSearch widget the nls\fr\strings.js file has 

forceScale: "force de l\'échelle", (notice the \ escape of the ' character).

Your error is indicating that the escape \ is not present which points me to the issue that you are not using the latest version of the eSearch.

Can you look at your D:\arcggis-web-appbuilder-2.1\WebAppBuilderForArcGIS\server\apps\18\widgets\eSearch\manifest.json and see what version is presented in that file (i.e. "version": "2.1.2",)?

0 Kudos
New Contributor

Hi robert , 

this is my file manifest.json 

"name": "eSearch",
"label": "Enhanced Search",
"platform": "HTML",
"version": "2.1.2",
"wabVersion": "2.1",
"author": "Robert Scheitlin & Esri R&D Center Beijing",
"description": "This enhanced search widget offers the ability to search by a string, geometry and spatial relationship.",
"copyright": "2016",
"license": "",
"properties": {
"hasVersionManager": true
"featureActions": [{
"name": "eShowStatistics",
"uri": "featureActions/eShowStatistics"

0 Kudos
MVP Emeritus


   Can you post the contents of your D:\arcggis-web-appbuilder-2.1\WebAppBuilderForArcGIS\server\apps\18\widgets\eSearch\nls\fr\strings.js then.

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New Contributor

root: ({
resultactions: "Result Menu",
clearResults: "Clear Results",
selectFeatures: "By Shape",
selectByAttribute: "By Value",
results: "Results",
searchLayer: "Search layer",
searchType: "Search alias",
selectFeaturesBy: "Select features by",
selectSpatial: "By Spatial",
search: "Search",
clear: "Clear",
clearfields: "Clear Fields",
clearBuffer: "Clear Buffer",
zoomall: "Zoom All",
point: "Point",
line: "Line",
polyline: "Polyline",
freehandPolyline: "Freehand Polyline",
triangle: "Triangle",
extent: "Extent",
circle: "Circle",
ellipse: "Ellipse",
polygon: "Polygon",
freehandPolygon: "Freehand Polygon",
featuresSelected: "Features selected: ",
noResults: "No results.",
searching: "Searching...",
searchError: "Search failed !",
searchResult: "Search result",
useMultiGraphics: "Enable multi-part graphics",
addTolerance: "Add search tolerance to point selection",
and: "and",
friendlyDatePattern: "MM/dd/yyyy",
stringOperatorIs: 'stringOperatorIs',
stringOperatorIsNot: 'stringOperatorIsNot',
stringOperatorStartsWith: 'stringOperatorStartsWith',
stringOperatorEndsWith: 'stringOperatorEndsWith',
stringOperatorContains: 'stringOperatorContains',
stringOperatorDoesNotContain: 'stringOperatorDoesNotContain',
stringOperatorIsBlank: 'stringOperatorIsBlank',
stringOperatorIsNotBlank: 'stringOperatorIsNotBlank',
dateOperatorIsOn: 'dateOperatorIsOn',
dateOperatorIsNotOn: 'dateOperatorIsNotOn',
dateOperatorIsBefore: 'dateOperatorIsBefore',
dateOperatorIsAfter: 'dateOperatorIsAfter',
dateOperatorDays: 'dateOperatorDays',
dateOperatorWeeks: 'dateOperatorWeeks',
dateOperatorMonths: 'dateOperatorMonths',
dateOperatorInTheLast: 'dateOperatorInTheLast',
dateOperatorNotInTheLast: 'dateOperatorNotInTheLast',
dateOperatorIsBetween: 'dateOperatorIsBetween',
dateOperatorIsNotBetween: 'dateOperatorIsNotBetween',
dateOperatorIsBlank: 'dateOperatorIsBlank',
dateOperatorIsNotBlank: 'dateOperatorIsNotBlank',
numberOperatorIs: 'numberOperatorIs',
numberOperatorIsNot: 'numberOperatorIsNot',
numberOperatorIsAtLeast: 'numberOperatorIsAtLeast',
numberOperatorIsLessThan: 'numberOperatorIsLessThan',
numberOperatorIsAtMost: 'numberOperatorIsAtMost',
numberOperatorIsGreaterThan: 'numberOperatorIsGreaterThan',
numberOperatorIsBetween: 'numberOperatorIsBetween',
numberOperatorIsNotBetween: 'numberOperatorIsNotBetween',
numberOperatorIsBlank: 'numberOperatorIsBlank',
numberOperatorIsNotBlank: 'numberOperatorIsNotBlank',
bufferGraphic: 'Buffer Graphic',
searchDistance: 'Apply a search distance:',
applyBuffer: 'Apply Buffer',
searchEntities: 'Search entities of:',
intersectMessage: 'There is no result to intersect, please complete a graphical or text search first.',
spatialSearchErrorTitle: 'Spatial Search error',
bufferMessage: 'There is no result to buffer, please complete a graphical or text search first.',
bufferSearchErrorTitle: 'Buffer error',
spatialchoicemsg: 'Do you want to use the Buffer Graphics or the Selection Graphics?',
spatialchoicetitle: 'Choose',
buffergraphics: 'Buffer',
selectiongraphics: 'Selection',
widgetversion: 'eSearch Widget Version Info',
widgetverstr: 'Widget Version',
wabversionmsg: 'Widget is designed to run in Web AppBuilder version',
exporturl: 'Export Search URL',
copyurlprompt: 'Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C, Enter',
limit2mapextent: 'Limit search to map extent',
graphicgeomtypemsg1: 'Mixing major geometry types like points, lines and polygons is not supported.',
graphicgeomtypemsg2: 'Do you want to continue which will result in clearing all previous drawn graphics?',
cancel: 'cancel',
_continue: 'continue',
warning: 'Warning!',
zoomErrorMessage: 'Attempts to auto zoom to the search results have failed.',
addTextQuery: 'Include text query in selection criteria',
uniqueValues: 'Retrieving unique values',
processingUnique: 'Processing unique values: ',
of: ' of ',
requiredTip: "Value required to execute search",
required: "Required",
requiredWarning: "Required Value Missing",
requiredErrorMessage: "You have failed to enter one or more required values",
selectFeaturesFrom: "Use graphics from",
eLocateTip: "Use Existing Enhanced Locate Widget Graphics",
createnewselection: "Create new results",
addtoselection: "Add to current results",
removefromselection: "Remove from current results",
mapServiceFailureTitle: "Search Layer Map Service Failure",
mapServicefailureMsg: "The following search layer(s) map service(s) failed to respond: ",
mapServicefailureMsg2: ". Due to this failure the search layer(s) will be removed from the widget.",
removeResultMsg: "Remove Result",
chooserelate: "Choose the Relate",
sum_: "Summary",
summaryresults: "Summary Results",
more: "More",
_featureAction_eShowStatistics: "Statistics...",
_featureAction_eExportToCSV: "Export to CSV file",
_featureAction_eShowRelate: "Show Relates"
"ar": 0,
"cs": 0,
"da": 0,
"de": 0,
"es": 0,
"et": 0,
"fi": 0,
"fr": 1,
"he": 0,
"it": 0,
"ja": 0,
"ko": 0,
"lt": 0,
"lv": 0,
"nb": 0,
"nl": 0,
"pl": 0,
"pt-br": 0,
"pt-pt": 0,
"ro": 0,
"ru": 0,
"sv": 0,
"th": 0,
"tr": 0,
'zh-cn': 0

0 Kudos
MVP Emeritus


   That is for the English strings I need to check your french strings.


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